Senin, 09 Juli 2018

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A student union , student government , free student union , student senate , student association , union , or government student body are student organizations that exist in many colleges, universities, and secondary schools. In higher education, union students are often given their own building on campus, dedicated to social, organizational activities, representation, and academic support of membership.

In the United States, the union often refers only to the physical buildings held by the university in order to provide services for students without a governing body. The building is also referred to as a student activity center, although the International Union Associations College (mostly based in the US) has hundreds of campus organization members. Outside the US, student unions and unions refer to the representative body, which is different from the student activity center .

Video Students' union


Depending on the country, the group's goals, assemblies, methods, and implementation may vary. Universally, the goal of a student union or student government is to represent fellow students in a certain way.

In some cases, student unions are run by students, independent of educational facilities. The purpose of these organizations is to represent students both within the institution and externally, including on local and national issues. The student unions are also responsible for providing various services to students. Depending on the organizational structure, students may engage in unions by becoming active on a committee, by attending councils and rallies, or by becoming an elected officer.

Some student unions are politicized bodies, and often serve as a training ground for aspiring politicians. Student unions generally have the same goals regardless of the degree of politicization, usually focusing on providing students with facilities, support, and services.

Some student unions often officially recognize and allocate annual budgets to other organizations on campus. In some institutions, graduate students are in general student unions, whereas in others they have their own postgraduate graduate agencies. In some cases, graduate students have no formal representation in the student administration.

Maps Students' union

Variations depend on country

As previously mentioned universally the aim of student union or student government is to represent fellow students. Often student unions usually focus on providing students, facilities, support, and services. Simple variations only on names include name differences between the United States (student government) and other countries (student unions). Depending on the country, there are various methods of compulsory education representation for higher education or tertiary.

Asia and Oceania


In Australia, all universities have one or more student organizations.

Australian student unions usually provide services such as restaurants, small retail outlets (eg news agencies), student media (eg, campus newspapers), advocacy, and support for a wide range of social, artistic, political, recreational, special interest, and sports club interests and society. Most also operate special support services for female, LGBT, international and indigenous students. Many expressed concerns over the introduction of voluntary unions (VSUs) in 2006.

In 2011, the Government passed a law to allow the university to impose compulsory service fees to students to finance facilities such as sports facilities, parenting and counseling, as well as student media and "encourage student interest". Legislation passed after the Green Party took the balance of power in the senate. [11]

The Australian National Student Union represents the majority of the graduate student union at the national level; The Australian Graduate Association Board is an umbrella organization for union graduate students.


Azerbaijan Students Union (ASU) was founded by students from Baku on 15 September 2008. ASU is an organization founded on the basis of international experience and it is the first student organization to unite students regardless of gender, race, creed, nationality.

During the course of the action, ASU has established a stable structure, presented new suggestions on student policies to appropriate bodies, established close links with international and regional student organizations, prepared a new action plan in accordance with university-student-corporate relations in Azerbaijan.

ASU considers international relations very important. For the first time ASU delegates were participants of the IAESTE Asia First Forum in Shanghai for 12-15 November 2009. After the forum ASU established a close relationship with IAESTE which is one of the largest student exchange organizations. As a result of the relationship on January 21, 2010 ASU is accepted as a member of IAESTE. Our Society has the right to represent Azerbaijan's students at IAESTE. The membership is the first success of the union at the international level. During January 20-27, the Student Union of Azerbaijan was accepted as a member of the IAESTE association during the 64th Annual Conference in Thailand. The Student Union of Azerbaijan was formerly a full member of the European Student Union, but was issued in 2015.


In China, the student body is usually referred to as ??? (Pinyin: XuÃÆ' Â © sh? Ng HÃÆ'¹i ; literally: "student union") or ????? (Pinyin: XuÃÆ' Â © sh? Ng LiÃÆ'¡nhÃÆ' Â © HÃÆ'¹i ; literally: "student league").

Membership at different universities has different functions. Some universities can provide membership to record student attendance and complex values. The association of Chinese university students is largely under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Youth League, which for the most part limits its function as a purely student-owned organization itself.

Hong Kong

All universities in Hong Kong have student unions. Most of these student unions are members of the Hong Kong Student Federation. Many high schools also have student unions or the equivalent.


India has developed a complex tradition of student politics dating from the era of Party Congress domination. Student unions are organized both within the university, such as the IISC Student Council and all universities, but affiliated with political parties, as in the case of Akhil Bharathiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP), Dr. Ambedkar The Indian Student Front (DASFI), All India Student Federation (AISF), Student Federation of India (SFI), Indian National Student Association (NSUI) etc. are competing in elections to control posts at universities and colleges. Examples of union activists include the University of Delhi Student Union. Recently some school administrations have also begun incorporating student governance systems as co-curricular activities in one form or another.

Indian National Student Organization, Indian Student Federation, Dr. Ambedkar Indian Student Front, Bharatiya Janata Yuva Morcha Indian Student Association, Student Federation of India, Sunni Student Federation, Akhil Bhartiya Vidyarthi Parishad, All Indian Students' Association, All Indian Student Federation, Muslim Student Federation, All Students of Democratic Students of India are Student Organizations major in India. [


In Indonesia, every university, college and high school has a student union. The body of a student in a secondary school, called the Intra School Student Organization (Student Organization in School), abbreviated OSIS , is an official student organization established by the government. Elections to elect leaders are usually held every year. OSIS organizes extracurricular school activities such as music events and art galleries ( art performances/pensi ).


In Japan, the student body is called ????? (Gakusei-jichi-kai). In Japanese, the word ????? (Gakusei-jichi-kai) means student self-organization. The student body in Japan promotes extracurricular activities. Usually, cultural associations, ??? (bunka-kai), and sports association, ??? (taiiku-kai), including within the student body as an autonomous organization. A student belongs to one or more student organizations, and he performs extracurricular activities through the organization of these students. However, the extracurricular activities of universities and colleges have declined since the 1990s.


Malaysia has 20 public universities. Each of them has a Student Representative Council (Bahasa Melayu: Student Representative Representative, MPP ), the highest student institution of the university.

Elections are held every year, usually in September, to elect representatives for MPP. Percentage turnout of voters is usually high (70 to 95 percent) mainly due to enforcement from university management who, at the same time, acts as the Electoral Committee.

Every year, the Malaysian Ministry of Higher Education will arrange meetings and organize programs with all MPPs. However, each MPP has its own autonomous right to govern its own membership. The size of MPP differs from each university, starting from at least 12 to 50. All MPP members are part-time and unpaid employees.

In 2011, Universiti Sains Malaysia established the Student Consultative Assembly (Bahasa Melayu: ), the first student parliament established and the oldest of both in Malaysia, to involve the participation of more student leaders in decision making and policies and to establish a legislative branch within the Student Unity system rather than having the only executive branch. Parliament of university students consists of MPP members and other elected or appointed student leaders representing their respective student bodies. As of May 2016, 7 state universities in Malaysia have established their student parliament.

New Zealand

The student association has a strong history in New Zealand in terms of political involvement, especially the Halt All Racist Tours campaign during the 1981 Spring Tour. All universities, and most educational polytechnics and academies have student associations. Since the economic reforms of the 1990s and the introduction of paying users in higher education, student associations and national agencies have shifted their focus to challenging injustices in student loan schemes and high student debt levels. Part-time work in addition to the introduction of internal assessments and changes to semester structures has been attributed to decreased involvement in extracurricular activities and the shifting focus of the student movement from mass protests to the lobby.

Prior to membership of the 1998 Student Association (pep) is mandatory in all public Tertiary Education Providers (universities, polytechnics and educational colleges). In 1997, the center-right national party proposed an amendment of Voluntary Student Membership to the Education Act which would make Voluntary Student Association membership in all Tertiary Education Providers.

But the National Party relies on the support of the center-right New Zealand First Party to pass legislation. New Zealand The first party would prefer that the Tertiary Students themselves choose whether their provider should be voluntary or compulsory and encourage through compromise on amendments that allow a voluntary compulsory referendum to be held in every common Tertiary Education Provider. This amendment also allows a subsequent referendum that can not be held until at least two years has passed since the previous referendum and only if the petition is signed by 10% of the student population.

The first wave of referendums was held in 1999, where several Polytechnics and two Universities (Waikato University and Auckland University) chose to be voluntary. In 2002, a second referendum was held at Waikato University and students chose to return to compulsory student membership. Similar referendums at Auckland University in 2001, 2003 and 2005 were all selected to retain voluntary student membership.

Most New Zealand The tertiary student association is a confederation under the New Zealand Student Association.


The Philippines has a complex student union. Commonly used names are "student administration", "student council", "student body" Government Government Programs from primary and secondary schools are handled by the Ministry of Education while the student councils at state universities and colleges are under the higher Education Commission. In addition, every public and private primary and secondary school under the Ministry of Education (DepED) has its own student government. At the Tertiary Level, also known as higher education or "university" any private and state universities and universities in the Philippines have their own student councils. At the university, there is a university student council and each college has a student council. If a university has an external campus (es), the external campus has its own student council. The university student councils (main campus and external campus) have bupati students, who will represent students from all universities. One example is the West Visayas State University and Central Philippines University.

Sri Lanka

In Sri Lanka, every state university has several Student unions with a formal relationship to each faculty. The University Student Federation is the umbrella organization of 14 student unions. However, most of them have political affiliation and serve as the proxy of these political factions. Many unions take an active political role in universities and in the country as a whole. This often leads to many clashes between competing student unions or authorities.


The role of student unions in Myanmar is associated with Politics. From 1902, student unions have been out and trying to get the Interdependence of the Nation. There are many student boycott in Myanmar: 1920, 1936, 1962, 1974-75-76, 1988, 1996, 2007 and recently 2015 March. Most of them are connected to political issues. The Student Union in Myanmar is trying to get started to get Burmese Interdependence. They always stand along with Public difficulties. Now, Government U Thein Sein approved the National Education Act. So, the Technical Law followed and the law attached now wants to be approved. The role of student union is the greatest force in Burma or Burma according to History.


In the South African student council is the executive body and plenary of student and charter administrations and provides most of the funds for other student groups, and represents student interest when dealing with administration. In some instances, representatives of these bodies are members of the university Senate.

In 2012 the first student union, after 42 years of persecution, was founded. Students from the Al Mimona public school Ebem Alharth in Tripoli-Libya successfully established unions and promoted to other schools across the country to do the same. The founder of Alaa Amed received local media attention for this achievement.

While higher education and student activism may vary depending on the country, the National Association of Nigerian Students' (NANS) is an organization with more than 50 universities across the country.

Tunisia has many student unions, we can see the organization of RCD students (From the Constitutional Constitutional Rally party but dissolved in 2011 after the Tunisian revolution), but the two largest poles for students in this country is Union gÃÆ' © nÃÆ' Â © rale des ÃÆ'Â © tudiants de Tunisie (UGET) since 1952 and Union gÃÆ' Â © rale tunisienne des ÃÆ' Â © tudiants (UGTE) since 1985.


While the union of each student varies by the EU countries European students are the umbrella organization of 45 national union students from 36 European countries.


In Denmark the system of higher education consists of two parallel sectors: universities and colleges of applied sciences (eg nursing and technical schools or teacher colleges). Universities are characterized by the highest scientific and educational research based on it. University academy of science applied oriented to work life and base their operations on the requirements of high vocational skills established by it. These vocational institutions offer a 3-4 year professional bachelor degree. In addition there are a number of art schools. The University is under the Ministry of Science, University of Colleges belonging to under the Department of Education, and the School of Art belongs to the Ministry of Culture. There are 12 universities today, but in 2006 there was a huge merger process going on to make fewer, bigger institutions. Student unions at the university (and some art school student unions) are generally members of the National Student Union in Denmark who represent these students at the national level.

Each university has a student union (In Danish, StudenterrÃÆ' Â d ). Membership is not required. Student unions are funded by universities and the Ministry of Science on the basis of the percentage of votes received each year in university elections. The student union is autonomous, its internal life governed by its rules. The student unions are responsible for all student representations and select student members from different administrative organs. They usually coordinate and finance smaller and more specialized student organization activities. To finance their activities, some student unions demand membership fees and/or engage in different businesses.

In the institution of the Ministry of Culture there are also local student organizations. In the institution of the Ministry of Education, student activities are closely linked to the distribution of Unions students in various fields. For example, teacher students are organized into national unions for teachers and so on.

High School (In Denmark, Gymnasier ), In Denmark there is a law that there should be students who attend high school. Student councils are organized into the following organizations:



The organization of the center of the French higher education system means that local university bodies have limited decision-making power. As a result, student unions are generally established at the national level with local sections in most universities. The largest national student association has a strong political identity and their actions are generally limited to advocating their vision of higher education rather than focusing on the special interests of university membership. Union membership is regarded as basically political, with no special advantage for students. The strength of unions is often measured by its effectiveness in national protests and not by membership numbers.

There is also a class struggle-class struggle like Solidaires ÃÆ' â € ° tudiant-es (formed in January 2013 through a mix of former SUD organizations ÃÆ'â € tudiant and FÃÆ'Ã… © deration syndicale ÃÆ' Â © tudiante (FSE)) who refused to work the same as the direction of the university and work to organize the students.

At Grandes ÃÆ' Â © coles, a premium league in the French higher education system, students are generally members of the Official Student Office (Bureau des ÃÆ' Â © tudiants or Bureau des ÃÆ'Â © lÃÆ'¨ves) in charge of the organization of social events and sporting events. The constitution of this society, working in close partnership with school administration, usually prevents union members from running for executive positions to keep schools independent of political groups that could jeopardize school prestige.


In Germany the actual form of student representation depends heavily on the federal state. In most countries there is a General Student Committee (AStA) in every university. It is the executive organ of parliament and the councils of all faculties.


In Greece every university department has a Student Union (in Greek: ??????????????) and all students belonging to the department have the right to register as a member. The main purpose of the student union is to solve student problems that may be related to academic life or have general political and social character. Furthermore, the Student Union organizes and supports activities such as political debate, demonstrations, university work, educational talks, cultural and art events, conferences and so on.

The structure of the Student Union is rather simple and consists of two bodies: the General Assembly of Students (Greek) and the board of directors. The General Assembly consists of all Union members. This happens on a regular basis and is the only decision-making body. During the General Assembly, many topics of student interest are discussed and decisions are taken after an open vote. The Board of Directors ensures that the General Assembly's decision will come true. In addition, members of the board of directors, among them the President of the Union, participated in various university administrative bodies as representatives of all students in the Union.

Every year in the early spring, Student Elections take place nationally, where students choose their representatives. All Student Union in Greece is a member of "National Student Union of Greece" (????????????????????).


Most Irish universities and colleges have student unions established to represent students in the context of internal college issues and on issues related to wider students as well as a means of solidarity with other movements globally. The ongoing campaign of nearly every student union in Ireland is to prevent the reintroduction of tuition fees being abolished in 1995. Most, but not all, of the student unions are affiliated with the Union of Students in Ireland. In particular, two of the seven union members are not members. Student unions are operated in accordance with the rules laid down in their constitution which always mention strong democratic procedures and inclusive for trade union governance. Some Union Students run a retail business for the benefit of their students and run a referendum, such as whether to support or engage in same-sex marriage or abortion.

All Universities and Institutes of Technology in the Republic of Ireland have the Student Union.

The Student Union-National Student Union in Ireland (NUS-USI), a student movement in Northern Ireland was formed in 1972 by a bilateral agreement between the United Kingdom National Student Union (NUS) and the Student Union in Ireland (NUS). USI), to address the specific problems that represent students in Northern Ireland.


There are several student unions in the Netherlands who act as unions for students. The biggest is the VSSD at Delft and ASVA Studentenunie in Amsterdam. These student unions are all members of the LSVb, the national student union. There is also a similar organization called ISO (Interstedelijk Studenten Overleg), which consists of several formal participation organizations, as well as ASVA Studentenunie and VSSD. Both ISO and LSVb are members of the European Student Union.

Finally, the Netherlands has a unified student union for its students studying abroad: Students Worldwide in the Netherlands or only NEWS.

The Netherlands is also home to a unique student representative case in which local political parties are fully run by students who gain seats during the local town hall selection: STIP.


In Norway, every university is instructed and required by law to have a Student Union selected by students at school. The goal of each Student Union is to improve their school environment through encouraging other social, cultural and extracurricular activities taking place in the local community. The student union in Norway is governed by a board of directors elected directly from the Student Council.


In Portugal, every university, polytechnic institute and other higher education schools have their own student unions. The union organization generally aims to organize and promote extracurricular activities such as sports and cultural events, parties, and academic celebrations. At the same time, they also act as "unions for students" that promote and defend students' point of view and rights, and deal with the teaching institutions and policies of State educational institutions. Portugal's oldest union is AssociaÃÆ'§ÃÆ' £ o Acadà © mica de Coimbra (founded in 1887) owned by students of Coimbra University. The largest student union is AssociaÃÆ'§ÃÆ'  £ o dos Estudantes do Instituto Superior TÃÆ' © cnico (AEIST).


At a Swedish university, student unions are responsible for representing students in educational and decision-making evaluations at universities. Not a Swedish university affiliated with the Swedish National Student Union. The union usually holds about a third of the votes within each decision-making body and thus holds much power.

Unions are usually governed by the elected general assemblies. Student unions generally provide counseling services to their members and publish their own magazines or newspapers. Large universities often have several student unions, where smaller student unions provide only basic services. Larger student unions often own and run their own facilities at universities such as shops, restaurants and nightclubs.

United Kingdom

The United Kingdom has a long history of student unity at the local and national levels. The oldest British student association is St Andrews, founded in 1864, and the oldest in Britain is believed to be a Student Guild of Liverpool, formed in 1892. Most agencies are called unions, but there are a number of > guild and student association . Student associations are a popular term in Scotland, as historically there is a separate male and female union focused on community and entertainment with representatives to universities conducted by a separate Student Representative Council. Most of the student unions in the UK are affiliated with the National Union of Students, although there are other national bodies, such as the National Graduate Committee, the Scottish Student Coalition in Scotland and the Aldwych Group, the student union association of the Russell Group members.

The Student Union-National Student Union in Ireland (NUS-USI), a student movement in Northern Ireland was formed in 1972 by a bilateral agreement between the United Kingdom National Student Union (NUS) and the Student Union in Ireland (NUS). USI), to address the specific problems that represent students in Northern Ireland.

the Americas


In Canada, membership in a student or university union is mandatory in Canada under various provincial laws. Included in the tuition of Canadian students is anywhere from an additional $ 10- $ 500 fee to pay for union services. Money earned from dues is often used to support staff and offices. Student elections usually take place around March because the membership selects their union executives. The number of student voters for the selection of students is low for all institutions. The largest graduate student union currently in Canada is the York Student Federation, at the University of York, with some 49,000 members.

Most student unions are charged by their membership to protect their best interests at university, city, provincial and federal levels. Many student unions in Canada are members of one of the national student organizations, the Alliance of the Canadian Student Association (CASA) or the Canadian Student Federation (CFS). Those included in the CFS at the national level are also included in the CFS at the provincial level. Those who do not belong to the CFS may belong to a provincial student organization such as the New Brunswick Student Alliance, Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance (OUSA), Alliance of College Students, Students (formerly known as ANSSA), British Columbia Student Alliances, Alberta University Student Council, or Executive Board Alberta Students. In Quebec, the provincial student organization is the University of Quebec Student Federation (FÃÆ'  © dà © à © ration ÃÆ'  © tudiante universitaire du QuÃÆ'  © bec or FEUQ) for students, students are represented by FÃÆ'  © dÃÆ' © ration ÃÆ'  © tudiante collÃÆ' © giale du QuÃÆ'  © bec or FECQ, while the Association devotes solidaritÃÆ' © syndicale ÃÆ'  © tudiante or ASSE is a more radical organization that covers students from both levels of education.

Different provinces have different rules governing student unions. In British Columbia under Section 27.1 of the University Act, student unions may only raise or cancel the cost of unionized compulsory students through a democratic referendum of membership. After the costs are incurred through this mechanism, the Board of Governors of each institution is then required to send the fee to the student union, and can only interfere in the internal affairs of the student union if it fails to complete its annual financial audit. , giving the students union autonomy to their institution. In Ontario, student union autonomy is governed by standards outlined by individual institutions, giving University administrators a wider range of powers of student union finance.


In Mexico, the student union is mostly at the university. Mexican universities have selected student committees every year, but faculty or schools within the university also have their own union. This practice is also extended to other educational levels, such as high and high schools, but to a lesser extent. An example of this is the Sociedad de Alumnos de HPA Mexico.

Jesuit student groups played an important role in Mexican history, particularly in opposing the imposition of socialist education in Mexico in the 1930s. The leaders of the UniÃÆ'³n Nacional de Estudiantes CatÃÆ'³licos (UNEC) have long-term interests in Mexico's political history, as some of them helped form the conservative National Action Party (Mexico).

United States

In the United States, this group is often known as student government , related students , student senate , or less general union . In the US, the phrase "student union" often refers to "student activity centers" (also known as "student centers" or "student commons"), buildings with dining rooms, game rooms, sitting rooms, student offices, and other spaces for activities students. In institutions with large graduates, medical schools, and individual "colleges" of populations, there are often student governments that serve them certain constituents.


The Brazilian student union is also called the Brazilian Student Association. It was formed in 1991 to give Brazilian students a fair representation and even within the LSU campus. The union also sets a side goal to promote their Brazilian culture, as they are a Portuguese-speaking Latin American country.

Brazilian society

This society has been around since 2003 and now has 190 members, of which only a third are Brazilian. The other two thirds are people who are only interested in Brazilian politics, party and popular culture. This is one society that students can join if they want to. People have social events and host lectures. They also have a Brazilian discussion group every week to discuss current events.

Carthage Student Union | Eclectic Meeting Places | Pinterest ...

See also

Northumbria Students Union - Will Howe Creative


Source of the article : Wikipedia
