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Compulsory education refers to the educational period that everyone needs and is forced upon by the government. Depending on the country, this education can be done at a school that is enrolled (school) or at home (homeschooling).

The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights requires, within a few years, the compulsory principle of free learning for all.

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Compulsory education was unheard of in antiquity. But the common examples associated with royal, religious or military organizations - are substantially different from the modern notion of compulsory education.


Plato's (c 424-c.348 BC) is credited with popularizing the compulsory concept of learning in Western intellectual thought. The reason for Plato is very clear. The ideal city will need the ideal individual, and the ideal individual will need an ideal education. Popularizing Plato's ideas began with the wider Renaissance and the translation of Plato's works by Marsilio Ficino (1433-1499), culminating in the Enlightenment. Enlightenment philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau, known for his own work on education, Emile, or On Education says To get a good idea of ​​public education, read the Republic of Plato. This is not a political treatise, for those who only judge a book by their title think, but this is the best and prettiest work in education ever written.

In Sparta boys between the ages of 6 and 7 left their homes and sent to military schools. The school course is rough and has been described as a "brutal training period". Between the ages of 18 and 20, Spartan men must pass tests consisting of fitness, military abilities, and leadership skills. Student failure means seizure of citizenship (perioidos) and political rights. Passing is a rite of passage to maturity and citizenship, where he will continue to serve in the military and train as a soldier until the age of 60, when the soldier can retire to live with his family.


Every parent in Judea since ancient times was asked to teach their children at least informally. Over the centuries, as cities, towns and villages flourished, a class of teachers called Rabbis evolved. According to the Talmud (Bava Bathra 21a treaty), who praised the wisdom of Joshua ben Gamla with an official Jewish educational institution in the 1st century, Ben Gamla instituted a school in every city and made a compulsory formal education from the age of 6-8.

Medieval Era

The Three Aztec Alliance, which ruled 1428-1521 in what is now central Mexico, is considered the first country to adopt a universal compulsory education system.

The Early Modern Era

Protestant reforms encouraged the formation of compulsory education for boys and girls, first in the area now part of Germany, and later in Europe and in the United States.

Martin Luther's seminal text Ratsherren Aller StÃÆ'¤dte deutschen Landes (To Council Members of all Cities in Germany, 1524) calls for the establishment of a compulsory school so that all parishioners will be able to read the Bible by themselves. The Protestant West of the Holy Roman Empire soon followed. In 1559, the German Duchy WÃÆ'¼rttemberg established a compulsory education system for boys. In 1592, the German Duchy Palatinate-ZweibrÃÆ'¼cken became the first region in the world with compulsory education for girls and boys, followed in 1598 by Strasbourg, then a free city of the Holy Roman Empire and now part of France.

In Scotland, the 1616 School Establishment Act instructs each parish to establish a school for all people paid by the parish. The Scottish Parliament confirmed this with the Education Act of 1633 and created a local land-based tax to provide the needed funds. The necessary partial support of the parishioners, however, provided the tax avoidance slack that the Education Act heralded in 1646. The turmoil of the time meant that in 1661 there was a temporary reversal to the 1633 less-than-obligatory position. However, in 1696, the new Law rebuilded the compulsory school provisions in each parish with a system of fines, sequestration, and direct implementation of the government as a means of enforcement if necessary.

In the United States, following Luther and the other Reformers, the Separatist Congregationalists who founded Plymouth Colony in 1620, required parents to teach their children how to read and write. The Massachusetts School Laws, three legislative acts enacted in Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1642, 1647, and 1648, are generally regarded as the first step toward compulsory education in the United States. The 1647 law, in particular, requires each city to have more than 50 families to hire a teacher, and each city with more than 100 families to set up a school. Puritan spirit for learning is reflected in the beginning and rapidity of educational institutions; for example, Harvard College was founded in early 1636.

Prussia adopted the modern system of compulsory learning in 1763. It was introduced by Generallandschulreglement (Public School Regulation), a decree of Frederick the Great in 1763-5. Generallandschulreglement, written by Johann Julius Hecker, asks all young men, girls and boys, to be educated from the ages of 5 to 13-14 and given a basic view of religion (Christianity), singing, reading and writing based on textbook curriculum arranged and provided by the state. Teachers, often former soldiers, were asked to cultivate silk worms for a living in addition to contributions from local residents and municipalities.

In Austria, Hungary and Land of the Bohemian Crown (Czech land), basic education must be introduced by Empress Maria Theresa in 1774.

Late Modern Era


The presence of a compulsory school based on the Prussian model gradually spread to other countries. It was quickly adopted by governments in Denmark-Norway and Sweden, and also in Finland, Estonia and Latvia within the Russian Empire, but rejected in Russia itself.

The United Kingdom is slow to introduce compulsory education because the upper classes defend their educational rights. In England and Wales, the Basic Education Act of 1870 paved the way for compulsory education by setting up school boards to establish schools in places where there was not sufficient supplies. Attendance was made mandatory until the age of 10 years in 1880. The Education Act of 1996 made it a duty to parents to require children to have full-time education from 5 to 16 years of age. However, attendance at the school itself is not mandatory: Section 7 of the Act allows for home education.

France is equally slow to introduce compulsory education, this time because of the conflict between the secular state and the Catholic Church, and as a result between anti-clerical and Catholic political parties. The first set of Jules Ferry Laws, passed in 1881, made free primary education for girls and boys; communes and departments have a shared responsibility to fund it. In 1882, the second set of Jules Ferry Laws made compulsory education for girls and boys up to the age of 13. In 1936, the upper age limit was raised to 14. In 1959, it was extended to 16.

United States

In 1852, Massachusetts was the first US state to issue contemporary universal public education laws. In particular, the Massachusetts General Court requires every city to create and operate grammar schools. Fines are imposed on parents who do not send their children to school, and the government takes power to take children away from their parents and their apprenticeship to others if government officials decide that parents "are unfit to have educated children correctly".

The spread of mandatory attendance in the Massachusetts tradition throughout the US, especially to Native Americans, has been credited to General Richard Henry Pratt. Pratt used a technique developed in Native Americans at the Fort Marion war camp in Augustine, Florida, to force a demographic minority across America to public schools. The prototype was the Carlisle Indian Industrial School in Pennsylvania.

In 1918, Mississippi was the last country to enact mandatory law to attend.

In 1922 an effort was made by Oregon voters to enact the Oregon Compulsory Education Act, which would require all children between the ages of 8 and 16 to attend the State School. Only leave exceptions for mentally or physically incapable children, beyond a certain distance of life from a public school, or have written approval from a county inspector to receive personal instruction. The law was passed by vote but then decided unconstitutional by the United States Supreme Court at Pierce v. Society of Sisters, which dictates that "a child is not just a state creature". The case resolves a dispute over whether a private school has the right to do business and educate in the United States.


In Japan, compulsory learning was established shortly after the Meiji Restoration in 1868. Initially, it was strongly influenced by the Prussian education system. After World War II, it was rebuilt for the most part, and the new educational model was heavily influenced by the American model. In the Indian kingdom of Travancore, Queen Gowri Parvati Bayi issued a royal manuscript announcing universal education and officially acknowledged the role of the State guaranteeing the right of education from public income in 1817.

Maps Compulsory education

Variations by country in mandatory age range

The following table shows the starting age of compulsory and ending education, state by country. The most common age for mandatory start-up is 6, although this varies between 3 and 8.

Essay on compulsory education in india

Number of students enrolled in compulsory education

Due to population growth and the proliferation of compulsory education, UNESCO calculates in 2006 that over the next 30 years, more people will receive formal education than in all previous human histories.

Compulsory Education in Europe, A History (by Murray Rothbard ...


Critics of compulsory education argue that education violates the freedom of children, is a method of political control, ineffective in teaching children how to deal with the real world and has a very negative effect on children that causes apathy, intimidation, stress, and higher. depression.

School, Colorful Font, Icon, Lik For Education, Compulsory ...

See also

  • Education History
  • Public education
  • Public school (government funded)
  • Child Labor
  • No school
  • Anti-school activism
  • The school's generation leaves the age
  • Democratic education

Court orders FG States to provide free compulsory education ...


Essay on compulsory education in india

Further reading

  • Coleman, J. S., et al. (1966). Equal Opportunity Education. Washington: US Government Printing Office.
  • Dunlap, Knight (1929). "Is Education Really Justified ?," Mercury America , pp.Ã, 211-214.
  • Epstein, R. (2007). Let's remove high school. Education Week. Retrieved 18 April 2007, from
  • Gardner, Richard (1871). An address on compulsory education: granted before the British School Teacher Association for West Kent, 11 February 1871 . Tonbridge: Richard Gardner.
  • Gatto, J. T. (2003). American Underground Education History. New York: The Oxford Village Press.
  • Holt, J. (1974). Escape from childhood. In Noll, J.W. (Ed.), Taking a Side: Clash of Views on Education Issues (pp.Ã, 25-29). Dubuque, IA: McGraw-Hill.
  • Illich, I. (1970). Deschooling Society. New York: Harper & amp; Line.
  • Rothbard, M. (1978). Public and compulsory schools. In For New Freedom (chapter 7). Retrieved 12 April 2007, from
  • Van Horn Melton, J. (1988). Absolutism and the Origin of Eighteen School Compulsory Welsh in Prussia and Austria Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • West, E. G. (1974). Economic coercion. In Sentence Twelve. Retrieved 11 April 2007, from 20of% 20compulsion.pdf
  • White, John (1876). "The Law on Compulsory Education," The Fortnightly Review , Vol. XXV, pp.Ã, 897-918

Free, compulsory and secular Education Acts - DEHANZ

External links

  • Discussion on compulsory education as a human right (The Right to Education Project)

Source of the article : Wikipedia
