Senin, 25 Juni 2018

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Philippines Hikes Education Budget for 2016 - YouTube

Education in the Philippines is provided by public and private schools, colleges, universities, and technical and vocational institutions. Funding for public education comes from national governments.

At the primary education level, the Department of Education (DepEd) sets overall education standards and mandates standardized tests for the K-12 basic education system, although private schools are generally free to define their own curricula in accordance with existing Department laws and regulations.

On the other hand, at higher levels of education, the Higher Education Commission (CHED) oversees and regulates universities and universities, while the Educational and Technical Development Authority (TESDA) for technical and vocational institutions regulates and accredits technical and vocational education programs. and institutions.

For the academic year 2017-2018, about 83% of K-12 students attend public schools and about 17% of private schools or at home.

By law, education is mandatory for thirteen years (kindergarten and grade 1-12). These are grouped into three levels: elementary school (grade 6 TK), junior high school (grade 7-10), and high school (grade 11-12); they can also be grouped into four main stages: the key 1 level (TK-3 class), the second key level (class 4-6), the 3rd key stage (7-10 class) and the fourth key stage (class 11 -12). Children enter the kindergarten at the age of 5.

Institutions of higher education can be classified as public or private universities or universities, and public higher education institutions can be subdivided into two types: public universities and colleges as well as local colleges and universities.

Video Education in the Philippines


Periode pra-kolonial

During the pre-colonial period, the vast majority of children were provided vocational training, supervised by parents, tribal tutors or those assigned to specific special roles in their community (eg, baybayin). In most communities, stories, songs, poems, dances, medical practices, and advice on all sorts of issues of community life are passed on from generation to generation largely through oral tradition. Some communities use a system of writing known as baybayin, whose use is wide and varied, although there are other syllables used throughout the archipelago.

Spanish period

Formal education was brought to the Philippines by the Spaniards, most of whom were carried out by religious orders. After learning the local language and writing system, they began to teach Christianity, Spanish, and Spanish culture. This religious order opened the first school and university in the early 16th century. Spanish missionaries established schools as soon as they reached the islands. The Augustinians opened a parish school in Cebu in 1565. The Franciscans, taking on the task of increasing literacy in 1577, in addition to teaching new industrial and agricultural techniques. The Jesuits followed in 1581, and the Dominicans in 1587, founded the school in Bataan. Churches and schools work together to ensure that Christian villages have schools for students to attend.

Schools for boys and girls are then opened. Colegios is open for boys, as if it were equivalent to the current high school. Universidad de San Ignacio, founded in Manila by the Jesuits in 1589 was the first colegio . Finally, it was incorporated into the University of Santo Tomas, College of Medicine and Pharmacology after the oppression of the Jesuits. Girls have two types of schools - Beaterio , schools intended to prepare them for monasteries, and others, intended to prepare them for secular femininity.

The Spaniards also introduced printouts to produce books in Spanish and Tagalog, sometimes using baybayin . The first printed book in the Philippines comes from 1590. This is the Chinese version of Doctrina Christiana . Spanish and Tagalog versions both Latin and local script baybayin , then printed in 1593. In 1610, Tomas Pinpin, a Filipino printer, writer and publisher, sometimes referred to as the " Patriarch of Filipino Printing ", wrote his famous book" The Books of the Manga Tagalog in Uicang Castilla ", which is meant to help Filipinos learn Spanish. Prolog reading:

The Education Decree of 1863 provides a free public education system in the Philippines, run by the government. The decision mandated the establishment of at least one primary school for boys and one for women in each city under the responsibility of the city government, and the establishment of a normal school for male teachers under the supervision of the Jesuits. Basic education is also declared free and available to any Filipino, regardless of race or social class. Contrary to what propaganda the Spanish-American War is trying to portray, they are not religious schools; Instead, they are a school founded, supported, and maintained by the Spanish government.

After the implementation of the decision, the number of schools and students increased steadily. In 1866, the total population of the Philippines was 4,411,261. The number of public schools for boys is 841, and the number of public schools for girls is 833. The number of children attending these schools is 135,098 for boys, and 95,260 for girls. In 1892, the number of schools increased to 2,137, of whom 1,087 for boys, and 1,050 for girls. In 1898, enrollment at schools at all levels exceeded 200,000 students.

Among those who benefit from the free general education system are a group of emerging Filipino intellectuals: The Ilustrados ('enlightened ones'), some of which include José Rizal, Graciano LÃÆ'³pez Jaena, Marcelo H. del Pilar, Mariano Ponce, and Antonio Luna - all played an important role in the Propaganda Movement which ultimately inspired the founding of Katipunan.

First Republic

Spain's defeat after the Spanish-American War led to a short-lived Philippine Freedom Movement, which established the first rebel Republican Republic. Spanish-run schools for more than three centuries were briefly closed, but reopened on August 29, 1898 by the Minister of the Interior. The Burgos Institute (the country's first law school), Academia Militar (the country's first military academy), and the University of Filipino Literature was founded. Article 23 of the Malolos Constitution mandates that public education be free and compulsory in all schools of the nation under the First Philippine Republic. However, the Philippine-American War hampered its progress.

American Period

About a year after securing Manila, Americans want to open seven schools with military soldiers who teach with books and supplies ordered by the army. In the same year, in 1899, more schools were opened, this time, with 24 English teachers and 4500 students. In that system, primary education consists of 6 years of primary school and 4 years of secondary school which, to date, students are prepared for tertiary level instruction for them to earn a degree that will secure them future work in life.

A highly centralized, experimental public school system was installed in 1901 by the Philippine Commission and authorized by Law no. 74. This law indicates the shortage of qualified teachers, caused by enormous enrollment rates in schools. As a result, the Philippine Commission authorized the Secretary of Public Instructions to bring more than 1,000 teachers from the United States, called Thomasit , to the Philippines between 1901 and 1902. These teachers spread throughout the islands to establish < i> barangay school. The same law established the Philippine General School (now the Normal University of the Philippines) to train Filipino teacher candidates.

The secondary school system is supported by the provincial government and includes special educational institutions, arts and trade schools, agricultural schools, and trade and marine institutions, established in 1902 by the Philippine Commission.

Some other laws are passed throughout the period. In 1902, Law No. 372 confirmed the opening of provincial high school.

1908 marks the year when Law no. 1870 commenced the opening of the University of the Philippines, now a national university .

The rise of secondary school education in the Philippines, however, did not occur until 1910. It was borne out by a growing number of enrollments, widespread economic depression, and increased demand by big business and technological advances in factories and the emergence of electrification for skilled workers. To meet this new job demand, secondary schools were created and the curriculum focused on practical work skills that would better prepare students for professional white-collar or skilled blue-collar jobs. This proves to be beneficial to both employers and employees; investing in human resources causes employees to be more efficient, lowering costs for companies, and skilled employees receiving higher wages than employees with only a basic level of education.

However, a steady increase in school enrollment appears to have inhibited the revision of the experimental education system implemented. UU no. 1381, also known as Gabaldon Law, was ratified in 1907, which provides one million pesos for the construction of a concrete school building and is one of many attempts by the government to meet this demand. In line with the government's Filipinization policy, the 1916 Reorganization Act stipulates that all department secretaries except the Secretary of Public Teaching must be a native-born Filipino.

A series of revisions (in terms of content, length, and focus) for the curriculum began in 1924, the year the Monroe Survey Commission released its findings. After meeting in the period 1906 to 1918, what was only an advisory committee on textbooks was inaugurated in 1921 as a Council on the Textbook through Act no. 2957. However, the Council faced difficulties, even up to the 1940s, but due to financial problems hampering the possibility of a newer book adaptation.

Third Republic

In 1947, after the United States waived all its authority over the Philippines, President Manuel Roxas issued Executive Order No. 94 which renames the Department of Instruction to the Ministry of Education. During this period, the regulation and supervision of public and private schools were owned by the Public and Private School Bureau.

Fourth Republic

In 1972, the Ministry of Education became the Department of Education and Culture (DECS) under Proclamation 1081, signed by President Ferdinand Marcos.

On September 24, 1972, with Presidential Decree no. 1, DECS is decentralized with decision making divided among thirteen of its regional offices.

After the referendum of all barangay in the Philippines from 10-15 January 1973, President Marcos ratified the 1973 Constitution by the Proclamation 1102 on 17 January 1973. The 1973 Constitution establishes three basic educational goals in the Philippines:

  • to foster a love for the country;
  • to teach civics duties; and
  • to develop moral character, self-discipline, and scientific, technological and vocational efficiency.

In 1978, with Presidential Decree No. 1397, the DECS becomes the Ministry of Education and Culture.

The Education Act of 1982 provides an integrated education system that includes both formal and non-formal education at all levels. Section 29 of the law seeks to improve the standards of educational institutions to achieve "quality education" through voluntary accreditation for schools, colleges, and universities. Sections 16 and 17 increase the obligations and qualifications required for teachers and administrators. Section 41 is provided for government financial assistance for private schools. This action also created the Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sports.

Fifth Republic

A new constitution was ratified on 2 February 1987, and entered into force 11 February. Section 3, Article XIV of the 1987 Constitution contains ten basic educational goals in the Philippines. Part 2 (2), Article XIV of the Constitution of 1987 makes primary school compulsory for all children.

In 1987, the Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sports again became DECS under Executive Order No. 117. The DECS structure embodied in the order remained unchanged until 1994.

On May 26, 1988, the Philippine Congress enacted Law of the Republic of Indonesia 6655 or the Secondary General Education Act of 1988, mandating free general high school education beginning in the school year 1988-1989.

On February 3, 1992, Congress enacted Republic Act 7323, which stipulates that students aged 15 to 25 years may be employed during the Christmas holidays and summer holidays with no salary lower than the minimum wage - with 60% wages paid by employers and 40 % by government.

The 1991 Education Congress Commission (EDCOM) recommends dividing the DECS into three parts. On May 18, 1994, Congress passed the Law of the Republic 7722 or the Higher Education Act of 1994, creating a Higher Education Commission (CHED), which took over the functions of the Higher Education Bureau and supervised tertiary degree programs. On August 25, 1994, Congress passed the Law of the Republic 7796 or the Technical Education and Skills Development Act of 199, created the Education and Technical Development Authority (TESDA), which absorbed the Bureau of Technical and Vocational Education as well as the National Labor and Youth Council, oversee non-degree vocational technical programs. DECS retains responsibility for all primary and secondary education. This threefold division is known as the "trifocal education system" in the Philippines.

In August 2001, Republic Act 9155, or the so-called Governance of the Basic Education Act, was passed. This action changed the name of DECS to the current Ministry of Education (DepEd) and redefined the role of field offices (regional offices, division offices, district offices and schools). It provides an overall framework for school empowerment by strengthening the principal's leadership role and fostering local transparency and accountability for school administration. The purpose of basic education is to provide the school-age population and young adults with the skills, knowledge, and values ​​to be caring, independent, productive, and patriotic citizens.

In 2005, the Philippines spent approximately US $ 138 per student, compared with US $ 3,728 in Japan, US $ 1,582 in Singapore and US $ 852 in Thailand.

In 2006, the 2015 National Education Action Plan (EFA) was implemented. It states:

In the case of secondary education, all children aged twelve to fifteen are sought to be on track to complete the school cycle with satisfactory achievement levels every year.

In January 2009, the Ministry of Education signed a memorandum of understanding with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to cover $ 86 million in grants for Philippine education, in particular access to quality education in the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), and Mindanao West and Central.

Recent years

In 2010, then Senator Benigno Aquino III expressed his desire to apply the K-12 basic education cycle to increase the number of compulsory years to thirteen years. According to him, this will "give everyone the same chance to succeed" and "have quality education and profitable jobs". Following further consultations and studies, the government under President Aquino formally adopted the K-6-4-2 basic education system - one year of kindergarten, six years of elementary education, four years of junior high school and two years of high school education. Kindergartens are officially required under the Kindergarten Education Act of 2012, while twelve years further are formally incorporated into law under the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013. Although DepEd has implemented the K Program -12 since SY 2011-2012, it is still established to be legislation to ensure its continuity in subsequent years.

The previous primary education system in the Philippines consisted of one year of preschool, six years of primary education and four years of secondary education. Although general pre-school education, primary and secondary education is provided free of charge, only basic education is established as mandatory under the Philippine Constitution 1987. Pre-primary education serves children aged five years. A six-year-old child can attend primary school with, or without pre-primary education. Following from primary education is four years of secondary education, which can theoretically be subdivided into three years of junior secondary education and one year of senior secondary education. Ideally, a child enters secondary education by the age of 12. After completing their secondary education, students can continue to technical education and skills development to obtain a certificate or diploma in one to three years, depending on the skill. Students also have the option to enroll in higher education programs to earn a baccalaureate degree.

The beginning of the second decade of the twenty-first century sees major changes in the Philippine education system. Whether this is positive or not remains to be seen.

In 2011, the Ministry of Education began implementing a new K-12 education system, which also included a new curriculum for all schools across the country. The K-12 program has what is called "gradual implementation", which begins in 2011-2012 S.Y.

In 2017, a law was passed to oblige the government through all state universities and universities (SUC) to provide free tertiary education for all Filipino citizens. Its mandate does not include private schools.

Registration number

Maps Education in the Philippines

Formal education

Formal education is a hierarchically structured and chronological educational system, run from elementary to university schools and includes, in addition to general academic studies, specialized programs and institutions for full-time technical and professional training. K-12 and higher education from college are characterized as formal education. This does not include informal education in the Philippines studied from everyday experiences and educational influences and resources in the environment. It also does not include non-formal education such as alternative learning systems provided by DepEd and TESDA and other programs of educational institutions.


K-12 is a program that includes kindergartens and 12 years of basic education to provide sufficient time for mastery of concepts and skills, developing lifelong learners, and preparing graduates for higher education, mid-level skills development, employment, and entrepreneurship.

Common features include:

(1) Strengthening Early Childhood Education (Universal Kindergarten), from the early human years, from 0 to 6 years, is the most critical period when the brain grows at least 60-70 percent of the adult size;
(2) Creating a Relevant Curriculum with Learners (Contextualization and Improvement) by making local and relevant lessons for Filipinos including discussions on Disaster Risk Reduction, Climate Change Adaptation, and Information & amp; Communication Technology (ICT);
(3) Ensure Integrated and Sustainable Learning (Spiral Progression) which means that students will be taught from the simplest concept to more complex concepts through the classroom level;
(4) Building Language Skills (Language-Based Language Education) then introduces the 12 Mother Language Languages ​​as a medium of instruction from grades 1-3 before the introduction of the English Language;
(5) Encouraging a Senior High School where seven study areas and three pathways for students to choose (See Curriculum) preparing them for secondary school, two years of education medium top special; and
(6) Maintaining Holistic Developed Filipinos (School Readiness and Livelihoods, 21st Century Skills) so that each graduate must be equipped with information, media and technology skills; learning and innovation skills; effective communication skills; and life and career skills.

Implications of changes in the system

High School, an important feature of the new K-12 program, created several opportunities. Standard requirements will be applied to ensure graduates know enough to be able to be assigned. High School students will now be able to apply for TESDA (COC) and National Certificates (NCs) Certificate of Competence to provide them with better job opportunities. Partnerships with various companies will be offered for technical and vocational courses. High school students can also gain work experience while learning. In addition to this, an entrepreneurship course will now be included. Instead of being hired, one can choose to start his own business after graduation, or choose to pursue a person's education by going to college.

High School, as part of the K to 12 Basic Curriculum, was developed in line with the Higher Education Commission curriculum (CHED) - the governing body for university and university education in the Philippines. This ensures that by the time someone graduates from high school, someone will have the standard knowledge, skills, and competencies required to continue to college.

Due to the curriculum shift in K-12, the Higher Education College curriculum will have fewer units. Subjects taken in Basic Education will be removed from the General Education curriculum of Higher Education. Details of the new GE Curriculum can be found at CHED Memorandum Order No. 20, 2013 series.

Regarding teachers, there is a common misconception that teachers will lose their jobs due to a shift to K-12. However, DepEd confirmed that "no high school teachers will be displaced."

The Department of Education (DepEd) is constantly coordinating with CHED and DOLE on the actual number of faculty affected by private higher education institutions (HEIs). The worst scenario is that 39,000 HEI faculty will lose their jobs for 5 years. This will only happen if none of the HEI will establish their own High School; however, DepEd currently processes more than 1,000 high school applications from private institutions.

The implementation of K-12 began in 2011 when kindergarten was launched nationwide. This is followed by fully implementing systems for Class 1 and 7 during the 2012-2013 school year, for the 11th grade during 2016, and for the 12th grade during 2017.

There are four "phases" during the implementation of the new system. This is:

  • Phase I : Laying the Foundation . The goal is to finally apply a universal kindergarten, and "program development (whole)".
  • Phase II : Modeling and Migration . The objective is to promote the enactment of the basic education law, to finally begin the gradual application of new curricula for Grades 1 through 10, and for modeling high school .
  • Phase III : Full Migration . The goal is to finally implement Grades 11 and 12 or high school , and to signal the end of migration to the new education system.
  • Phase IV : Reform Enhancement . The goal is to complete the implementation of the K-12 education system

In terms of preparing resources, especially classrooms, teacher items, textbooks, chairs, and water and sanitation improvements, the following table shows the material that has been achieved from 2010 to 2014 and planned for 2015.

The justification of the Ministry of Education in this change, in applying 13 years of primary education, is that the Philippines is the last country in Asia and one of only three countries worldwide with a 10-year university pre-university cycle (Angola and Djibouti are the other two), and that the 13-year program was found to be the best period for learning under basic education. It is also a recognized standard for students and professionals globally.

Primary Education

Primary school , sometimes called primary school or school level (Philippines: elementary school elementary school ), is the first part of the education system, and it includes the first six years of compulsory education (Grades 1-6) after cumpolsory pre-school education called Kindergarten .

In public schools, core/core subjects introduced from grade 1 include Maths , Filipino , and Araling Panlipunan (the subject is identical for Social Studies ). English was introduced only after the second semester of Class 1. Science was just introduced from Class 3. Other key subjects then included Music, Arts, Physical Education, and Health (abbreviated MAPEH ), TLE (Technology and Livelihood Education) for Grade 6, EPP (Edukasyong Pantahanan in Pangkabuhayan) for Grades 4 and 5, Mother Language (Grades 1-3) and Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao (same as Ethics, Values, or Character Education ). In private schools, subjects in public schools are also included with additional subjects including: Computer Education as a separate subject, though included in the EPP and TLE through its ICT component. In Christian and Catholic schools, Religious Education is also part of a curriculum such as Christian Values ​​and Ethics, Christian Life, or Bible Lessons . Islamic schools such as Madrasah schools have their own subjects for Arabic and for Islamic Values ​​ or abbreviated as ALIVE . Chinese schools may also have subjects in Chinese Language and Culture . International schools also have their own subjects in their own language and culture.

From Kindergarten-Grade 3, students will be taught using their mother tongue, which means the Filipino language will be used in some subjects (except Filipino and English) as instructional medium. In addition to being included as the language of instruction, it is also a separate subject for Classes 1-3. But from grade 4, the Filipino language and English as the instruction medium will be used.

In December 2007, Philippine President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo announced that Spain would return as a compulsory subject in all Filipino schools beginning in 2008, but this does not apply.

Depdikasi Bilingual Policy is for media instruction to be Filipino for: Filipino, Araling Panlagian, Edukasyong Pangkatawan, Kalusugan in Musika; and English for: English, Science and Technology, Home Economics and Livelihood Education. Article XIV, Section 7 of the Philippine Constitution of 1987 mandates that regional languages ​​are additional official languages ​​in the regions and will serve as a medium of help in them. As a result, the actual language used in teaching is often polyglot Filipino and English with regional languages ​​as the foundation, or rarely the local language. The Filipino language is based on Tagalog, so in the Tagalog area (including Manila), the Filipino language is the basic language used. International English schools use English as a base language. Chinese schools add two language subjects, such as Min Nan Chinese and Mandarin Chinese and can use English or Chinese as the base language. The Constitution mandates that Spanish and Arabic languages ​​will be promoted voluntarily and optionally. Following this, some private schools primarily serve the elite including the Spanish in their curriculum. Arabic is taught in Islamic schools.

In July 2009, the Ministry of Education moved to address foreign language issues by ordering all primary schools to move toward early language-based teaching (classes 1-3). This sequence allows two alternatives to a three-year liaison plan. Depending on the adopted bridging plan, the Filipino and English languages ​​should be phased out as the medium of instruction for other subjects starting in the third and fourth grade.

Until 2004, elementary school students have traditionally followed the National Basic Achievement Test (NEAT) run by the Department of Education, Culture and Sports (DECS). It is intended as a measure of school competence, and not as a predictor of student talent or success in secondary school. Therefore, the scores obtained by students at NEAT are not used as a basis for their acceptance to secondary school. During 2004, when DECS was officially changed to the Ministry of Education, NEAT was changed to National Achievement Test (NAT) by the Ministry of Education. Public and private elementary schools take these exams to measure school competence. In 2006, only private schools had entrance exams for secondary schools.

The Department of Education expects more than 13.1 million elementary school students to enroll in public elementary schools for the 2009-2010 school year.

Although primary school is compulsory, in 2010 it was reported that 27.82% of primary school-aged children in the Philippines never attended or never completed primary school, usually due to the absence of schooling in their area, the education offered in a language unfamiliar to them, or financial difficulties.

Secondary Education

Secondary schools in the Philippines, better known as "high school" (Filipino: parish pundaws, sometimes spiraling na palanaralan), consist of 4 lower levels and 2 upper levels. It used to consist of only four levels with each level partially fragmented, focusing on a particular theme or content. Because of the K-12 curriculum, the secondary school system now has six years divided into 2 sections. Lower secondary school systems are now called "Junior High Schools" (Values ​​7-10) while a special high school system is now called "High School" (Grades 11 and 12).

High school students are used to attend the National Intermediate Achievement Exam (NSAT), which is based on the American SAT, and administered by the Ministry of Education. Like his school counterpart, the NSAT was removed after a major reorganization in the education department. Successors, the National Exam on Career Assessment (NCAE) and the National Achievement Test (NAT) are awarded to third and fourth year students respectively, prior to the implementation of the K-12 system. The National Career Assessment Examination (NCAE) is now being administered for Grade 9 and the National Achievement Test (NAT) is being implemented in Grades 6, 10 and 12. Both NSAT and NAT have been used as a basis for admission to higher education institutions, in part because students sitting at the end of their secondary education. In contrast, higher education institutions, both public and private, manage their own Higher Entrance Examination (CEE) (the subjects covered will depend on the institution). Vocational colleges usually do not have entrance exams, only accept form 138 study notes from high school, and registration payments.

Junior High School

Students graduating from elementary level automatically enroll in junior high school, covering four years from grades 7 to 10. This level is now compulsory and free for all students attending public schools.

There are two main types of secondary schools: public high schools, which enroll more than 90 percent of junior high school students, and vocational high schools. In addition, there is also a science high school for students who have demonstrated certain talents in science at the elementary level as well as special high schools and special curricular programs.

Entrance to an automatic public school for those who have completed six years of elementary school. Some private secondary schools have a competitive entry requirement based on an entrance examination. Admission to science schools, art schools, and schools with special curricular courses as well as competitive exams sometimes includes interviews, and auditions.

The Department of Education establishes a compulsory curriculum for all junior, public and private students. There are five core subjects: Science, Math, English, Filipino, and Panlipunan Arupsi (Social Sciences).

Other subjects at all junior secondary levels include MAPEH (collective subjects composed of Music, Art, Physical Education and Health), Education and Technology Value and Livelihood Education.

In other public schools or private secondary schools offer special curricular programs for students with prizes and/or talents as well as talents in the fields of: science and mathematics, sports, arts, journalism, foreign languages, or technical vocational education. It is under the Depd with the latter in partnership with TESDA. Special programs for special schools are: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Program (STEM, formerly called ESEP); Special Programs in Sport (SPS); Special Arts Program (SPA); Special Program of Journalism (SPJ); Special Courses in Foreign Languages ​​(SPFL); and the Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Program (TVL). These programs offer a comprehensive secondary education in certain academic or career paths. Being career-oriented, specialized, and advanced subjects are offered to replace the TLE subject and sometimes include more time and subject for special learning and training.

In selective schools, multiple languages ​​can be offered as an option as in the SPFL program, as well as other subjects such as computer programming and literary writing such as at STEM or High School Laboratory. Chinese schools have a choice of language and culture. International Schools offer subjects or subjects such as writing, culture, history, language, art, or special subjects unique to schools. Preparatory schools such as technical vocational schools or schools with TVL Programs usually add several business courses, entrepreneurship, and accounting. Specialized secondary schools of science such as the PSHS System (managed by DOST) and RSHS Systems (managed by DepEd) have biology, chemistry and physics at every level and or exclusive and sophisticated science and mathematics subjects and subjects in technology, prior to engineering, and research. This school of science is more exclusive and of a higher standard than the general high school STEM Program. Students of PSHS or RSHS may move to STEM program schools but not road. PSHS students can also transfer to RSHS and vice versa only for the second year to come. Both PSHS and RSHS students must maintain an average grade especially in their advanced science and math subjects every three months or otherwise lose the opportunity to pursue education in these schools, therefore, will make students move to school STEM program or public high school. school. This system ensures the quality and exclusivity of high school science. In government-run special art schools such as the College of the Arts of the Philippines, run by the Philippine Cultural Center in coordination with the Ministry of Education, as well as the National Commission for Culture and Arts offers many exclusive curricular programs from the public high school SPA program. Like PSHS and RSHS for the STEM school system, students from PHSA must retain value in their specialty arts field or will transfer to SPA or high school public schools. But SPA students may enroll in PHSA only for new students who pass exclusive exams, auditions, and interviews, and not from public high schools but only from SPA schools. Both schools of the Philippine High School System of Science and Art College of the Philippines are managed by a separate government agency from DepEd but are still coordinating with it. These schools offer scholarships for students with high talents and talents in science or the arts field that provide those who pass rigorous and exclusive tests with many special benefits such as free board and lodging, free books, monthly salaries and classes taught by experts, experts and practitioners active in their respective fields.

Vocational School

Technical and formal vocational education begins in secondary education, with a two-year curriculum, which provides access to tertiary vocational education. [35] However, there are also non-formal technical and vocational education provided as an alternative learning program.

Vocational schools offer higher concentrations of technical and vocational subjects other than core academic subjects studied by students in high school. These schools tend to offer technical and vocational instruction in one of five key areas: agriculture, fisheries, technical trade, home industry, and 'non-traditional' courses while offering a number of specializations. During the first two years, students study the general vocational area, from the five key areas mentioned. During the third and fourth years they specialize in discipline or vocation in that field. The program contains a mixture of theory and practice.

After completing the 10th Grade of Junior High, students may obtain a Certificate of Competence (COC) or a National Vocational Level-oriented Certificate (NC I). After completing the Livelihood Technical Training pathway at Level 12 of Senior High School, students may obtain a Second Level National Certificate (NC II), provided that they pass competency-based assessments managed by the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA).

High School

The new high school curriculum includes core classes and specialization classes based on a selection of student specializations. Students may choose specializations based on their talents, interests, and school capacity. Classes or courses are divided into two: Core Curriculum Courses and Subjects.

There are eight areas of learning under the core curriculum. These are Languages, Humanities, Communications, Mathematics, Science, Social Sciences, Philosophy, and PE and Health. It will form 15 core courses with the same content and competencies but with the allowable contextualization based on the location of the school despite the specialization of tracks and grooves.

Tracking the subject will be subdivided into Applied or Contextual Subjects and Specialization Subjects. There will be 7 Applied Subjects with the same competencies as tracks and strands or specialties but with different contents by specialization, and there will be 9 Subject Specialties with unique content and competencies under the track or string.

All subjects (core, applied and specialized) have 80 hours per semester each, except for Physical Education and Health, have 20 hours per semester.

And for the subjects under General Academics Strand (GAS), Humanities 1 and 2 will be selected from HUMSS track 1 to 4, and for Social Sciences 1 will be selected from HUMSS track 5 to 8.

For their specialization classes, students choose from four tracks: Academic; Technical-Vocational Livelihoods; Sports; and Art and Design.

The Academic Path includes five areas of specialization:

  • Accounting and Business Management (ABM) which will prepare students for courses in business related careers such as accounting, business management, office administration, finance, economics, marketing, sales, human resource management, business operations, entrepreneurship , etc.
  • The Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) will prepare students for courses in the field of humanities such as linguistics, literature, history, philosophy, religious studies, and liberal arts as well as in social sciences and applied social sciences such as anthropology, economics, political science, psychology, sociology, criminology, geography, counseling, social work, journalism and communication, etc.
  • Science and Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) will prepare students for courses in the fields of natural and physical sciences, applied sciences, combined medicine, computer studies, architecture, engineering, mathematics, etc.
  • General Academic (GA) is a common thread for students who are not yet sure what to learn in college or what to do and take with liberal arts subjects such as electives from the humanities and social sciences, applied business and course science, and freedom to select the selection of any song or string offered by the school
  • The new Maritime Pre-Baccalaureate Strand which is a thread of preparation for academic marine fields with pre-engineering programs lies pre-calculus, calculus, and physics as well as a subject of chemistry and maritime delivery, prepares students who wish to pursue higher education in maritime related fields.

The Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Track (TVL) includes five of the current specialties from which TESDA-based courses can be selected:

  • Home Economy
  • Agri-Fishery Arts
  • Industrial Art
  • Information and Communication Technology
  • New TVL Maritime field (Technical-Vocational-Livelihood partner of Maritime Pre-Baccalaureate Academy Track).

Mixed specialization courses from these four areas can also be done, depending on curricular programs and offers offered by schools that offer TVL channels.

The sports track will prepare students with sports science, sports-related, physical-related education, health-related, and motion-related courses that will enable them to explore and specialize in areas such as sports fundamental coaching, athletes, sports and leadership management activities, recreation and fitness or sports. This will be with courses in safety and first aid, fitness tests and basic exercise programs, sports and exercise psychosocial aspects, and human movement. Students will have immersion or practicum in sports, fitness, training, or recreation specialties one will be on the campus lab and one will be an off-campus apprentice. This pathway will prepare students with careers in athletic sports, fitness, sports, recreational leadership, sports event management, training, and physical therapy.

The Art and Design Track will prepare students for creative industries in various creative and artistic areas such as but not limited to: music, dance, creative writing and literature, visual arts, global media art, broadcast art, film and cinema, applied arts, architecture and design, theater, entertainment, etc. Students will be trained with lectures and immersion in appreciation of art and production as well as performing arts. They will also learn and be prepared with physical and personal development that will help them with physical, personal, and health factors in the arts as an introduction to the workplace; integration of elements and principles of art that will deepen their understanding of the elements of art and their principles and applications; build a cultural and national identity in art that will help them appreciate cultural icons and materials, techniques, and traditional or indigenous practices in their art. Students will also be immersed in their chosen arts field: music, theater, literary arts, visual arts, or media art under internships with practitioners in the field and will peak display their skills and talents in performing arts performances, visual art exhibitions and media, or the production of literary arts.

The government projects around 1.2 to 1.6 million students will enter high school in the academic year 2016-17.

Senior High School "completes" basic education by ensuring that high school graduates are equipped for work, entrepreneurship, or higher education. This is a step up from the 10-year cycle where high school graduates still need further education (and expenses) to be ready for the world. There are 334 private schools with high school permits beginning in SY 2014 or 2015. As of March 31, 2015, temporary permits have been issued for 1,122 private schools that will offer High Schools by 2016.

Senior High Schools will be offered free of charge in public schools and there will be coupon programs for complementary public schools and ESC beneficiaries of private high schools if they choose to take private high schools. This means that the cost charge for an additional two years does not need to be fully borne by the parents. All 10th grade students from state Junior High School who wish to enroll in private or non-MONE High Schools automatically get vouchers.

tertiary education

All tertiary educational issues are outside the jurisdiction of the DepEd, which is responsible for primary and secondary education, but instead are regulated by the Higher Education Commission (CHED). In 2013, there are more than 2,229 higher education institutions (HEI) in countries that can be divided into public and private institutions. There are 656 public higher education institutions that reach 28.53% of all HEI. While 1,643 private institutions accounted for 71.47% of all HEI.

Public HEI is further subdivided into state universities and universities (SUC), local universities and universities (LUC's), special HEI, and government schools. State and college universities are managed and financed by the government as determined by the Philippine Congress. LUC was established by a local government unit that governs the LUC area. The local government establishes these institutions through the process and the number of procedures and resolutions, and is also responsible for handling the financing of these schools. A specialized HEI is an institution that offers courses and programs related to public services. Examples include the Philippine Military Academy (PMA), the Philippine National Police Academy (PNPA), the Philippine Development Academy (DAP), etc. These institutions are controlled and managed through the use of specific laws created for them. Finally, public schools are secondary and post-secondary technical vocational education institutions offering higher education programs.

Private HEI is established, and is governed by special provisions by Company Code, and can be divided into sectarian and non-sectarian. Non-sectarians are characterized by being owned and operated by private entities not affiliated with religious organizations; while the HEI sectarian is a non-profit organization owned and operated by a religious organization. Of the 1,643 institutions, 79% were non-sectarian, and 21% were sectarian.

According to the latest CHED statistics published on its website, there are 7,766 foreign nationals studying at various higher education institutions in the Philippines in 2011-2012. Korea is a top foreign citizen who studies in a country with 1,572. The rest are Iranians, Chinese, Americans, and Indians.

Type of School Attending Mandatory and High School Education

There are other types of schools, in addition to general public schools, such as private schools, preparatory schools, international schools, high school laboratories, and science secondary schools. Some foreign ethnic groups, including Chinese, English, Singaporeans, Americans, Koreans, and Japanese operate their own schools.

Science secondary school

Science secondary school is a special school for students who are more intellectual and promising, with the aim of fostering a critical problem-solving approach. They are separate high schools and not just special classes in regular high school. As such, they have certain characteristics not found in normal high school, although private or public high schools can aspire to meet these special minimum standards and are considered secondary schools of science.

The Philippine High School Science System is a specialized public system operating as an attached agent of the Philippine Department of Science and Technology. There are a total of nine regional campuses, with the main campus located in Quezon City. Students are accepted selectively, based on the results of the National Competitive Exam PSHS System.

As well as following the common medium curriculum, there is an advanced class in science and math. The PSHSS system offers a high first and first six year curriculum integrated.

Students who successfully complete at least four years of secondary education under the pre-2011 system are awarded the Diploma (Katibayan) and, in addition, the High School Graduation Certificate (Katunayan) from the Ministry of Education. Students are also given a Permanent Record, or Form 137-A, a list of all the classes taken and the grades obtained. Under the new K-12 system, permanent records will be released upon completion of high school.

Mandarin school

Chinese schools add two additional subjects to the core curriculum, the art of Chinese communication and literature. Some also added Chinese history, philosophy and culture, and Chinese mathematics. However, other Chinese schools called cultural schools , offer Confucian classical art and Chinese art as part of their curriculum. Religion also plays an important role in the curriculum. American evangelists set up several Chinese schools. Some Chinese schools have Catholic roots.

Islamic school

In 2004, the Ministry of Education adopted DO 51 , placing Arabic teaching and Islamic Values ​​for (mainly) Muslim children in public schools. The same sequence endorsed the implementation of the Madrasah Standard Curriculum (SMC) in private schools madaris (Arabic for school, single form is Madrasah).

Despite the recognition of Islamic schools - namely, Ibn Siena Integrated School (Marawi), Sarang Bangun LC (Zamboanga), and Southwestern Mindanao Islamic Institute (Jolo) - their Islamic study curriculum varies. With SMC's Official Education Department, the subject's offer is uniform in this private madaris.

Since 2005, the AusAID funded Education Department project, Basic Education Assistance for Mindanao [37] (BEAM) has assisted a group of private madaries seeking government permission to operate (PTO) and implementing SMC. To date, there are 30 private madaris scattered throughout the Region XI, XII, and ARMM.

SMC is a combination of RBEC subjects (English, Filipino, Mathematics, and Mathematics) and the teaching of Arabic and Islamic Religious subjects.

For the academic year 2010-2011, there are forty-seven (47) madaris in ARMM only.

Two perilous trends in PH education - Freedom from Debt Coalition

Alternative Learning System

Alternative learning systems in the Philippines serve the following needs: primary and secondary dropouts, children older than normal for a certain grade level (this may be 12 years in grade 4), unemployed adults who have not completed their degree , indigenous people, people with disabilities or experiencing mental challenges, and prisoners. It is possible to have informal and formal references to this alternative learning system as it is separate from formal teaching institutions. Although similar to formal teaching institutions, there will be diagnostic tests for everyone who will participate to measure their level in terms of skills required per grade level. If there are people who do not have basic skills like reading and writing, there will be additional programs that will help them learn the basics before taking diagnostic tests. There will be a number of special hours that the student needs in order for her to complete the program. There will be a final assessment to test students' comprehensive knowledge. If a student graduated he or she will be awarded a certificate signed by the secretary of the education department that enables students to apply to a bachelor's degree, work, formal training program, and be able to re-enroll in primary/secondary education formally teaching institutions.

There are other avenues of alternative learning in the Philippines such as the Radio Based Instruction Program (RBI). It is designed to deliver lectures via radio transmissions making it easier for people to access wherever they are. The goal is to get listeners to receive the same amount of education as those in the classroom for college.

Non-formal technical and vocational education is assumed by institutions normally accredited and approved by TESDA: center-based programs, community-based programs and enterprise-based training, or Alternative Learning Systems (ALS). They may be operated by the government, often by the provincial, or private. They may offer courses ranging from a few weeks to a two-year diploma program. The program may be a technology course such as automotive technology, computer technology, and electronic technology; course services such as caregivers, nursing aides, hotel and restaurant management; and trading courses such as electricians, plumbers, welders, automotive mechanics, diesel engineers, heavy & amp; practical nursing. After graduating from most of these courses, students can take the TESDA exam to obtain a relevant certificate or diploma.

In the country, there are some people, especially children who do not receive proper education from formal education institutions for various reasons. These reasons are usually related to financial matters.

Philippines: Education Within Reach - YouTube


When it comes to influencing, the Philippine education system has been severely affected by the colonial history of the country including the Spanish period, the American period, and the Japanese occupation and occupation. Although significantly influenced by all its colonists in relation to the education system, the most influential and entrenched contributions emerged during the American occupation (1898); during the aforementioned period that:

  1. English was introduced as the primary language of instruction and
  2. The first established public education system - a system that is specifically patterned after the US school system and is further managed by the newly established Instruction Department.

Similar to the United States, the Philippines already has an extensive and highly inclusive education system including features such as higher education.

The current Philippine education system first covers six years of compulsory education (from grades 1 to 6), divided informally into two levels - both consisting of three years. The first level is known as the Primary level and the second level is known as the Medium level.

However, although the Philippines education system has become a model for other Southeast Asian countries, in recent years such a thing has ceased to exist, and such systems have deteriorated - such facts are very clear and true in the country. poor areas abandoned.

Most of the Philippines face some problems when it comes to the education system.


First, the quality of education. In 2014, the National Achievement Test (NAT) and the National Career Assessment Examination (NCAE) show that there is a decline in the quality of Filipino education at the primary and secondary levels. Student performance in both NAT 2014 and NCAE is well below the target average score. Having said this, the poor quality of the Philippine education system is manifested in the comparison of settlement rates between the very urban cities of Metro Manila, which also occurs not only in the capital region but the largest metropolitan area of ​​the Philippines and others. places in countries like Mindanao and East Visayas. Although Manila is able to boast

Source of the article : Wikipedia
