Brand is a name, term, design, symbol or other feature that distinguishes the organization or product from its competitors in the eyes of the customer. Brands are used in business, marketing, and advertising. Brand names are sometimes distinguished from common brands or stores.
The practice of branding is thought to begin with the ancient Egyptians who are known to have been involved in the branding of cattle as early as 2,700 BC. Branding is used to distinguish one person's cow from another by using a special symbol that is burned into the animal's skin with a hot branding iron. If someone steals the animals, anyone can detect the symbol and deduce the real owner. However, this term has been extended to mean a strategic personality for a product or company, so the 'brand' now shows the value and promise that consumers can feel and buy. Over time, the practice of branding objects is extended to the various packaging and goods offered for sale including oil, wine, cosmetics, and fish sauce.
Branding is a set of marketing and communication methods that help differentiate a company or product from a competitor, aimed at creating a lasting impression on the mind of the customer. The main components that make up the brand toolbox include brand identity, brand communication (such as logos and trademarks), brand awareness, brand loyalty, and branding strategies. Many companies believe that there is often little difference between several types of products in the 21st century, and therefore branding is one of several forms of product differentiation left over.
Brand equity is a measurable totality of a brand's value and is validated by assessing the effectiveness of these branding components. As markets become increasingly dynamic and fluctuating, brand equity is a marketing technique to increase customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, with side-effects such as reducing price sensitivity. A brand is basically a promise to its customers about what they can expect from their products, as well as emotional benefits. When a customer is familiar with a brand, or likes it more than its competitors, this is when a company has reached a high level of brand equity. Specific accounting standards have been designed to assess brand equity. In accounting, a brand that is defined as an intangible asset, is often the most valuable asset in the company's balance sheet. Brand owners manage their brands carefully to create shareholder value, and brand appraisal is an important management technique that illustrates the value of money for a brand, and allows marketing investment to be managed (eg: prioritized across the brand portfolio) to maximize shareholder value. Although only the acquired brand appears on the company's balance sheet, the idea of ​​putting value on the brand forces the marketing leader to focus on long-term brand management and value management.
The word 'brand' is often used as a metonym that refers to a company heavily identified with the brand. Marque or make is often used to denote motor vehicle brands, which can be distinguished from car models. The concept brand is a brand associated with abstract concepts, such as breast cancer awareness or environmentalism, rather than specific products, services, or businesses. The commodity brand is a brand associated with commodities.
Video Brand
The word, brand , comes from its original and current meaning as an agitator, a piece of burned wood. The word is derived from Old High German, Brinnan and Old English byrnan , biernan , and brinnan via Middle English as birnan and brond . Torches are used to mark items such as furniture and pottery, and to permanently burn identification marks into the skin of slaves and livestock. Later, the torches were replaced with iron branding. The sign itself takes the term and becomes closely related to the craftsman's product. Through the association, the term has finally gained meaning today.
Maps Brand
Branding and labeling has a very ancient history. Branding may begin with the practice of cattle branding to prevent theft. The image of branding of oxen and livestock has been found in the ancient Egyptian tomb, which is about 2,700 BC. Over time, the buyer realizes that the brand provides information about origin and ownership, and can be used as a guide to quality. Branding is adapted for use on other types of goods such as pottery and ceramics. Some form of branding or proto-branding emerges spontaneously and independently throughout Africa, Asia and Europe at different times, depending on local conditions. The seal, acting as a quasi-brand, was found in early Chinese products of the Qin Dynasty (221-206 BC); a large number of seals from Harappan civilization in the Indus Valley (3300-1300 BC) where local communities are heavily dependent on trade; cylinder seals introduced in Ur, Mesopotamia in about 3,000 BC and facilitate the labeling of goods and property; and the use of pottery marks is common in ancient Greece and the sign of Roman identity, such as stamps on ceramics, was also used in ancient Egypt.
Diana Twede argues that "consumer packet protection, utility and communication functions have been required when packets are transaction objects" (p.107). He has pointed out that the amporas used in Mediterranean trade between 1,500 and 500 BC show various forms and marks, which consumers use to gather information about the type of goods and quality. The systematic use of labels marked dates from around the 4th century BC. In a largely pre-literacy society, the amphora and pictorial forms convey information about the content, the origin region and even the producer's identity that is understood to convey information about the quality of the product. David Wengrow argues that branding is necessary after the urban revolution in ancient Mesopotamia in the 4th century BC, when large-scale economies began to produce bulk commodities such as alcohol, cosmetics and textiles. This ancient society implements a strict form of quality control over commodities, and it is also necessary to convey value to consumers through branding. Manufacturers start by installing simple stone seals for products that, over time, are converted into clay seals with impressive images, often attributed to the personal identity of the manufacturer to give the product a personality. Not all historians agree that these signs are comparable to modern brands or labels, with some suggesting that the early pictorial brand or simple fingerprints used in pottery should be called proto-brand while other historians argue that the presence of a mark -this simple mark does not imply that a mature brand management practice is being played.
A number of scientific studies have found evidence of branding, packaging and labeling in ancient times. Archaeological evidence of pottery stamps has been found throughout the Roman Empire and in ancient Greece. Stamps are used on bricks, pottery, storage containers, and fine ceramics. Pottery signs are commonplace in ancient Greece in the 6th century BC. A vase made in about 490 BC contains the inscription "Sophilos painted me" indicating that the object was made and painted by a single craftsman. Branding may be needed to support the extensive trade in the pot. For example, a 3rd-century Gaulish pot, containing the names of famous craftsmen and places of manufacture such as Attianus Lezoux, Tetturos of Lezoux and Cinnamus of Vichy, have been discovered as far as Essex and Hadrian's Wall in England. British artisans based in Colchester and Chichester used stamps on their ceramic items in the 1st century. The use of excellence, a type of brand, on the date of precious metals up to about the 4th century. A series of five signs have been found on the Byzantine silver date from this period.
Some of the earliest use of the earliest creators, aged around 1,300 BC, have been found in India. The oldest generic brand, used continuously in India since the Vedic period (about 1,100 BC to 500 BC), is an herbal paste known as Chyawanprash , consumed for its recognized health benefits and is associated with a respected < i> rishi (or seer) named Chyawan. One well-documented from the beginning, a very well-developed brand example is the brand of sewing needle White Rabbit , from the Chinese Song Dynasty (960-1127 CE) period. A copper plates used to print posters containing messages, which are roughly translated as: "Liquid Needle Shop Jinan Liu: We buy high quality steel rods and make good quality needles, ready for use at home in no time." This plate also includes trademarks in the form of 'White Rabbit' which denotes luck and is highly relevant to women, who are the main buyers. The details in the pictures show the herb breaking rabbit, and include suggestions for buyers to see for the white bunny stone in front of its maker shop.
In ancient Rome, trademarks or inscriptions applied to objects offered for sale, are known as titulus pics. Such inscriptions usually include information such as the place of origin, destination, product type and sometimes the claim of quality or the name of the manufacturer. The Roman sign or inscription is applied to a wide range of items including, pots, ceramics, amphorae (storage containers/shipment) and oil lamps manufactured in the factory. Carbonized bread, found in Herculaneum, shows that some bread makers branded their bread with the manufacturer's name. Roman glass makers branded their works, with Ennion being the most prominent.
One of the traders who used the pictulus pictus was Umbricius Scauras, a producer of fish sauce (also known as garum) in Pompeii, around 35 AD. The mosaic pattern in the atrium of his house is decorated with amphorae images with a personal brand and quality claims. The mosaic consists of four different amphoras, one at each corner of the atrium, and the bearing label as follows:
- 1. G (ari) F (los) SCO [m]/SCAURI/EX OFFI [ci]/NA SCAU/RI Translated as "Flower garum, made of mackerel, Scaurus product, from Scaurus shop"
- 2. LIQU [minis]/FLOS Translated as: "Liquamen Flowers"
- 3. G [ari] F [los] SCOM [bri]/SCAURI Translated as: "Flower garum, made of mackerel, Scaurus product"
- 4. LIQUAMEN/OPTIMUM/EX OFFICI [n]/A SCAURI Translated as: "The best liquamen, from the shop of Scaurus"
Scauras fish sauce is known to have very high quality throughout the Mediterranean and its reputation goes as far as modern France. Both in Pompeii and near Herculaneum, archaeological evidence also shows evidence of branding and labeling that is relatively commonly used in a wide variety of goods. Wine urns, for example, are stamped with names, such as "Lassius" and "L. Eumachius;" may be a reference to the producer's name.
The use of identity marks on products declined after the fall of the Roman Empire. However, in the Middle Ages with the emergence of merchant guilds, the use of signs reappeared and was usually associated with certain types of goods. In the thirteenth century, the use of a maker's mark was evident in a wide variety of goods. In 1266, the makers' signs on the bread became mandatory. The Italians used the brand in the form of water marks on paper in the 13th century. Blind stamps, trademarks and silver markers, all kinds of brands, became widely used throughout Europe during this period. Markers, though known from the 4th century, mainly in Byzantium, only fall into common usage during the period of the Middle Ages. Markers for silver and gold were introduced in England in 1300.
Some brands, still in existence, date from the mass production periods of the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. Bass & amp; The company, the British brewery founded in 1777, is a pioneer in international brand marketing. Years before 1855, Bass applied a red triangle to his Pale Ale barrel. In 1876 their red triangle brand became the first registered trademark issued by the British government. Tate & amp; Lyle of Golden Syrup is known by Guinness World Records as the oldest British and branding brand in the world, with its green-and-gold packaging almost unchanged since 1885. Twinings Tea has used the same logo - capital letters below the symbol of the lion - since 1787, making it the world's oldest in sustainable use.
The widespread use of modern brands is associated with mass marketing of the 19th century that comes from the emergence of packaged goods. Industrialization displaces the production of many household items, such as soap, from local communities to centralized factories. When delivering their goods, the factories will literally label their logo or corporate symbol on the barrel used, effectively using the company's trademark as a pseudo brand.
The factories established during the Industrial Revolution introduced mass-produced goods and needed to sell their products to a wider market - to customers who were previously only familiar with locally produced goods. It quickly became clear that the generic soap package had difficulty competing with familiar local products. Manufacturers of packaged goods are required to convince the market that the public can place the same confidence in non-local products. Gradually, manufacturers began using personal identifiers to differentiate their goods from generic products in the market. Marketers soon realize that the brands are attached to the brands of competitors that are attached to the brand. In the 1880s, major producers have learned to inspire their brand identity with personality traits such as youth, fun, sex appeal, luxury or 'cool' factors. It begins a modern practice now known as branding, where consumers buy brands rather than products and rely on brand names instead of retailers.
The process of branding "human" characteristics is, at least in part, a response to consumer concerns about mass produced goods. The Quaker Oats company started using the Quaker Quaker image in lieu of a trademark from the late 1870s, with great success. Pear soap, Campbell soup, Coca-Cola, Juicy Juice gum, and Aunt Jemima's pancake mix are also one of the first "branded" products in an effort to enhance consumer familiarity with product benefits. Other brands from that era, such as Uncle Ben's rice and Kellogg breakfast cereals, illustrate the trend.
In the early 1900s, the trade press, advertising agencies and advertising experts began producing books and pamphlets urging manufacturers to bypass retailers and advertise directly to consumers with strong branded messages. Around the year 1900, the advertising guru, James Walter Thompson, published a home ad that explained trademark advertising. This is the earliest commercial explanation of what is now known as modern branding and the beginning of brand management. This trend continued into the 1980s, and is now measured in concepts such as brand value and brand equity. Naomi Klein has described this development as "brand equity mania". In 1988, for example, Philip Morris bought Kraft six times the value of the company on paper. Business analysts have reported that what they really buy is their brand name.
With the advent of mass media in the early 20th century, companies soon adopted a technique that would enable their message to stand out; slogans, mascots, and jingles began to appear on radio in the 1920s and early television in the 1930s. Many of the earliest series of radio dramas sponsored by soap manufacturers and the genre were known as soap operas.
In the 1940s, manufacturers began to recognize the way in which consumers develop relationships with their brands in a social/psychological/anthropological sense. Advertisers are beginning to use motivational research and consumer research to collect insights about consumer purchases. Strong branded campaigns for Chrysler and Exxon/Esso, using research methods drawn from pischology and cultural anthropology, lead to some of the most enduring campaigns of the 20th century. Brand advertisers begin to inspire goods and services with personality, based on the view that consumers are looking for a brand with a personality that suits their personality.
April 2, 1993, or Friday Marlboro, is often considered a brand death. Philip Morris, after more than 50 years of investing in advertising to build a premium brand image, announced a 20% price cut for Marlboro cigarettes to compete with generic cigarettes. In response to the announcement, advertising spending declined and Wall Street shares dragged on for a large number of branded companies: Heinz, Coca-Cola, Quaker Oats, PepsiCo, Tide, and Lysol. Some analysts consider the event to signal the beginning of a trend toward "brand blindness" (Klein 13), questioning the power of "brand value", but its downfall proved to be short-lived.
Effective branding can result in higher sales not just from one product, but from other products associated with that brand. If a customer likes the Pillsbury biscuit and trusts the brand, he is more likely to try other products offered by the company - such as chocolate chip cookies, for example. Brand development, often the task of the design team, takes time to produce.
Brand name and trademark
The brand name is part of a brand that can be spoken or written and identify a product, service, or company and distinguish it from other comparable products in a category. Brand names may include words, phrases, signs, symbols, designs, or combinations of these elements. For consumers, the brand name is "heuristic memory"; easy way to remember preferred product selection. Brand names should not be confused with trademarks referring to brand names or parts of legally protected brands. For example, Coca-Cola not only protects the brand name, Coca-Cola , but also protects the typical Spencerian script and contoured form from the bottle.
Company brand identity
Simply put, the brand identity is a set of individual components, such as name, design, set of images, slogans, vision, design, writing style, font or symbol, etc. Which sets the brand from others. In order for a company to exude a strong sense of brand identity, the company must have a deep understanding of its target market, its competitors, and the surrounding business environment. Brand identity includes an extended core identity and identity. The core identity reflects a long-term association consistent with the brand; while extended identity involves the intricate details of the brand that help generate a constant motive.
According to Kotler et al. (2009), brand identity can provide four levels of meaning:
- attribute
- benefits
- value
- personality
The Attribute brand is the set of labels the corporation wants to associate. For example, brands can show their primary attributes as being environmentally friendly. However, brand attributes alone are not enough to persuade customers to buy products. These attributes must be communicated through the benefits , which is a more emotional translation. If the attributes of a brand are environmentally friendly, customers will benefit from the feeling that they are helping the environment by associating with the brand. Apart from these attributes and benefits, brand identity can also involve branding to focus on representing the core set of values ​​. If a company is seen to symbolize certain values, it will, in turn, attract customers who also believe in these values. For example, the Nike brand represents the value of a "do it" attitude. Thus, this brand identification form attracts customers who also share this same value. Even wider than the perceived value is the brand personality . Quite literally, one can easily describe a successful brand identity as if it were someone. This form of brand identity has proven to be the most profitable in maintaining long-term relationships with consumers, as it gives them a sense of personal interaction with brands Collectively, all four forms of brand identification help provide a strong sense behind what the company hopes to achieve, and to explains why customers should choose one brand over their competitors.
Brand personality
Brand personality refers to "a set of human personality traits that apply to and are relevant to the brand." Consumer marketers and researchers often argue that brands can be imbued with human-like characteristics that resonate with potential customers. Such personality traits can help marketers create unique brands, which are distinguished from competing brands. Aaker conceptualizes the five-dimensional brand personality, namely: sincerity, excitement, competence, sophistication, and rudeness. Further research studies have shown that Aaker brand personality dimensions are relatively stable across industries, market segments and over time. Much of the literature on branding shows that consumers prefer brands with personalities that are in harmony with their own brands.
Consumers can distinguish the psychological aspect (brand associations such as thoughts, feelings, perceptions, images, experiences, beliefs, attitudes, etc. that become brand related) of a brand from the experience aspect. The experience aspect consists of the sum of all points of contact with the brand and is called the consumer brand experience . Brands are often meant to create an emotional response and recognition, leading to potential loyalty and repeat purchases. Brand experience is a brand action that a person perceives. The psychological aspect, sometimes referred to as the brand image, is a symbolic construction created in the minds of people, consisting of all information and expectations associated with a product, by service, or by the company providing them.
The marketer or product manager responsible for branding seeks to develop or align expectations behind the brand experience, creating the impression that the brand associated with the product or service has certain qualities or characteristics that make it special or unique. Therefore, brands can be one of the most valuable elements in the advertising theme, as it shows what the brand owner can offer in the marketplace. The art of creating and maintaining a brand is called brand management. The orientation of the whole organization to its brand is called brand orientation. Brand orientation evolves in response to market intelligence.
Careful brand management seeks to make the product or service relevant and meaningful to the target audience. Marketers tend to treat brands more than the difference between the actual cost of a product and its selling price; not the brand represents the sum of all the valuable qualities of a product to the consumer and is often treated as a total investment in brand building activities including marketing communications.
Consumers may look at branding as an aspect of a product or service, as it often serves to show an interesting quality or characteristic (see also brand promise). From a brand owner's perspective, a branded product or service can request a higher price. Where two products resemble each other, but one product does not have a related brand (such as generic products, brands), potential buyers may often opt for a more expensive branded product based on perceived brand quality or brand owner reputation.
Brand awareness
Brand awareness involves a customer's ability to remember and/or recognize brand, logo, and branded advertising. Brands help customers to understand which brands or products belong to which product or service category. Brands help customers to understand the constellation of benefits offered by individual brands, and how a particular brand in a category is differentiated from a competing brand, and thus that brand helps customers & amp; potential customers understand which brands meet their needs. Thus, the brand offers customers a shortcut to understand the various offers of products or services that make up certain categories.
Brand awareness is a key step in the customer purchasing decision process, because some kind of awareness is a prerequisite to buy. That is, customers will not consider the brand if they do not realize it. Brand awareness is a key component in understanding the effectiveness of brand identity and its communication methods. Successful brands are brands that consistently generate high-level brand awareness, as these are often important factors in securing customer transactions. Various forms of brand awareness can be identified. Each shape reflects the different stages in the customer's cognitive ability to overcome the brand under certain circumstances.
Marketers usually identify two different types of brand awareness; brand recall (also known as uniated recall or sometimes spontaneous withdrawal) and brand recognition (also known as < i> assisted recall brand ). This type of awareness operates in a way that is entirely different from the important implications for marketing and advertising strategies.
- Most companies aim for the "Top-of-Mind" that occurs when a brand comes to the consumer's mind when asked to name the brand in the product category. For example, when someone is asked to mention the type of facial tissue, the general answer, "Kleenex", will represent a top-of-mind brand. Awareness of the mind is a special case of brand recall.
- Brand remember (also known as brand awareness without help or spontaneous consciousness ) refers to a brand or set of brands that a consumer can generate from memory when requested with product category
- Brand recognition (also known as assisted brand awareness ) occurs when a consumer sees or reads a list of brands, and expresses familiarity with a particular brand only after they hear or view it as a kind memory assistant.
- Strategic awareness occurs when a brand not only puts consumers first, but also has a distinctive quality that consumers perceive as making it better than any other brand in a particular market. The difference (s) that set the product apart from the competition is/also known as a unique selling point or USP.
Brand recognition
Brand recognition is one of the early phases of brand awareness and validates whether customers remember being exposed to the brand. Brand recognition (also known as branded aided help ) refers to a consumer's ability to properly distinguish brands when they come into contact with them. This does not necessarily require consumers to identify or remember the brand name. When customers experience brand recognition, they are triggered by visual or verbal cues. For example, when looking to meet the needs of categories such as toilet paper, customers will first be presented with several brands to choose from. Once a customer is visually or verbally confronted with a brand, he or she may remember being introduced to the brand before. When given several types of cues, consumers who can take certain memory nodes that refer to the brand, they show brand recognition. Often, this brand awareness form helps customers choose a brand over other brands when faced with low purchasing decisions.