Senin, 09 Juli 2018

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The IÃÆ' Â ± upiat (or Inupiaq) is a native of Alaska, whose traditional territory includes Norton Sound in the Bering Sea to the Canadian-US border. Their current community includes seven Alaskan villages in North Slope Borough, affiliated with the Arctic Slope Regional Corporation; eleven villages in Northwest Arctic Borough; and sixteen villages affiliated with Bering Straits Regional Corporation.

Video Iñupiat


IÃÆ' Â ± upiat ( IPA: Ã, [i? upi? t] ) , formerly Inyupik , is the plural of the names for people and their language names. The single form is IÃÆ' Â ± upiaq ( IPA: Ã, [i> Upi Q] span>}, which also sometimes refers to the language. IÃÆ' Â ± upiak ( IPA: Ã, upi? k] ) is a double form.The root is iÃÆ' Â ± uk "person" and -piaq "real", that is, endonym meaning "real people".

Maps Iñupiat


Ethnic group

The IÃÆ' Â ± upiat person consists of the following communities,

Barrow, Alaska - America's northernmost town. | USA Travel ...

Regional companies

To manage natural resources fairly, IÃÆ' Â ± upiat a person belonging to some Alaska Local Local Corporations. This is the following.

  • Arctic Slope Regional Corporation
  • Bering Straits Native Corporation
  • NANA Regional Corporation.

Club House Gathering


Inupiat now only speaks two native languages: Inupiat North Alaska and Inupiat Alaska Sea. Many of these language dialects evolved before dealing with European culture. English is spoken by IÃÆ' Â ± upiat because in a Native American boarding school, IÃÆ' Â ± upiaq children are punished for speaking their own language.

Some Inupiats developed a pictographic writing system in the early 20th century. This is known as Alaska Image Writing.

The University of Alaska Fairbanks offers an online course called Beginning Inupiaq Eskimo, an introductory course for Inupiaq language open to both speakers and not an Inupiaq speaker.

Club House Gathering


Together with other Inuit groups, IÃÆ' Â ± upiaq comes from the Thule culture. Around 1000 BC, Thule migrated from the islands of the Bering Sea to what is now Alaska.

The IÃ Â ± upiaq group, the same as the Inuit-speaking groups, often have a name that ends with "miut," meaning 'people of'. One example is Nunamiut, a general term for inland IÃÆ' Â ± upiaq caribou hunter. During periods of hunger and influenza epidemics (possibly introduced by American and European whaling captains), most of these people moved to shore or other areas in Alaska between 1890 and 1910. A number of Nunamiut returned to the mountains in the 1930s.

In 1950, most of the Nunamiut groups, such as Killikmiut, had united at Anaktuvuk Pass, a village in northern Alaska. Some of Nunamiut remained nomadic until the 1950s.

Anteseden The Iditarod Trail is the original trail of Dena'ina and Deg Hit'an Athabaskan Indians and Eskimo Inupiaq.

Today (1st day of summer) in Barrow Alaska, the sun won't set ...


IÃÆ' Â ± ± person upiat is a hunter-gatherer, as are most of the Arctic community. IÃÆ' Â ± ± up up orang orang people continue to rely heavily on hunting and fishing subsistence. Depending on their location, they harvest walrus, seals, whales, polar bears, caribou, and fish. Both inland (Nunamiut) and coastal (Ta? Iumiut, i.e. Tiki? A? Miut) IÃÆ' Â ± ¬ ± upiat are highly dependent on fish. Throughout the season when they are available staples also include ducks, geese, rabbits, berries, roots, and buds.

Outback IÃÆ' Â ± upiat also hunt caribou, dall sheep, grizzly bears, and deer. Beach IÃÆ' Â ± upiat hunting walrus, seals, beluga whales, and bowhead whales. Carefully, polar bears are also hunted.

Whaling benefits every member of the upiat community, because the animal is slaughtered and its meat and fat are allocated according to the traditional formula. Even relatives who live in the city, thousands of miles away, are entitled to part of every whale being killed by their ancestral village hunters. Maktak, which is the skin and fat of Bowhead and other whales, is rich in vitamins A and C. The vitamin C content of meat is destroyed by cooking, so consumption of raw meat and vitamin-rich foods contributes to good health in populations with limited access to fruit and vegetables.

Since the 1970s, oil and other resources have been an important source of income for IÃÆ' Â ± upiat. Alaska Pipeline connects Prudhoe Bay wells with Valdez harbor in south central Alaska. Because oil drilling in northern Alaska is arid, however, the traditional way of whaling becomes at odds with one of the most modern demands in the modern world: finding more oil.

Inupiat eat Ribes raw or cooked triste, mix with other berries that are used to make traditional desserts. They also mix berries with rosehip and highbush cranberries and boil them into syrup.

Club House Gathering


Traditionally, different people live in settled communities, while others live nomadic. Several villages in the area have been occupied by other indigenous groups for more than 10,000 years.

The Nalukataq is a spring whaling festival between IÃÆ'Â ± upiat.

There is one IÃÆ' Â ± upiat-oriented culture institution of higher education, me? Isa? Vik College, located in Barrow.

Club House Gathering

Current problem

IÃÆ' Â ± Upiat people have become more concerned in recent years that climate change threatens their traditional lifestyle. Heating trends in the Arctic affect their lifestyles in various ways, for example: the depletion of sea ice makes it harder to harvest the head whales, seals, walruses and other traditional foods; warmer winters make travel more dangerous and less predictable; formed sea ice then contribute to increased flooding and erosion along the coast, which directly endanger many coastal villages. The Inuit Circumpolar Council, a group representing the Arctic indigenous people, has made the case that climate change poses a threat to their human rights.

In the 2000 US Census, the population of Upper IÃÆ'Â ± in the United States amounts to more than 19,000. Most of them live in Alaska.

Club House Gathering

IÃÆ' Â ± upiat territories

North Slope Borough : Anaktuvuk Pass ( Anaqtuuvak, Naqsraq ), Atqasuk ( Atqasuk ), Barrow ( Utqia? vik, Ukpia? vik ), Kaktovik ( Qaagtuvi? miut ), Nuiqsut ( Nuiqsat ), Point Hope ( Tiki? aq ), Point Lay ( Kali ), Wainwright ( Ul? uniq )

Northwest Arctic Borough Â: Ambler ( Ivisaappaat ), Buckland ( Nunatchiaq ), Deering ( Ipnatchiaq ), Kiana ( Katyaak, Katyaaq ), Kivalina ( KivalliÃÆ' ± iq ), Kobuk ( Laugviik ), Kotzebue ( Qikiqta? ruk ), Noatak ( Nuataaq ), Noorvik ( Nuurvik ), Selawik ( Siilvik, Akuligaq ), Shungnak ( Isi? Naq, Nuurviuraq )

Nome Census Area Ã,: Brevig Mission ( Sitaisaq, Sinauraq ), Diomede ( Inalik ), Golovin ( Si? ik ), Koyuk ( Quyuk ), Nome (Shqq)/span>), Stebbins (Tapqaq ), Teller ( Tala ), Wales ( Ki? igin ), White Mountain ( Natchirsvik ), Unalakleet ( U? alaq? iq )

Club House Gathering

Notable IÃÆ' Â ± upiat

  • Edna Ahgeak MacLean (born 1944), linguis Inupiaq, anthropologist and educator
  • Eddie Ahyakak (b) 1977), I Æ' up upiaq marathon runner and expert mountaineer in Season Two at Alaskan Ultimate Survival.
  • Irene Bedard (born 1967), actress
  • Includes Brown (1904-1982), educator, poet and author
  • Charles "Etok" Edwardsen, Jr. (1943-2015), Alaska Original land settlement activist
  • Ronald Senungetuk (born 1933), sculptor, silversmith, educator -

See also

  • Kivgiq, Messenger Feast
  • Maniilaq
  • Qargi, home of the men's community
  • Basketball basket
  • Eskimo yo-yo
  • Never Alone - a video game featuring IÃÆ' Â ± upiaq folklore

Iñupiat - Wikipedia


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Further reading

  • Heinrich, Albert Carl. Summary of Kinship and Terminology Found Among Speaking People in Alaska . 1950.
  • Sinta, Julie E. Raising Young Children in Alaska Village upiaq; Family, Culture, and Village Environment from Maintenance . West, CT: Bergin & amp; Garvey, 2002. ISBNÃ, 0-313-01347-0
  • Opportunities, Norman A. Eskimo Northern Alaska. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1966. ISBNÃ, 0-03-057160-X
  • Opportunities, Norman A. Alaska Inupiat and the Arctic: A Development Ethnology. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1990. ISBNÃ, 0-03-032419-X
  • Opportunities, N.A. and Yelena Andreeva. "Sustainability, Justice, and Natural Resource Development in Western Siberia and Alaska Arctic." Human Ecology. 1995, vol. 23 (2) [June]

External links

  • IÃÆ' Â ± upiat from Arctic Alaska

Source of the article : Wikipedia
