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Lutheran eucharist - Lutherische Eucharistie - Luthérienne ...

The Eucharist in the Lutheran Church (also called the Mass, the Sacrament of the Altar, the Lord's Supper, the Table of the Lord, the Lord's Supper, the Breaking of the Bread and the Blessed Sacrament) refers to the liturgical warning of the Last Supper. The Lutherans believe in the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist, affirming the doctrine of sacramental union, "in which the body and blood of Christ is truly and substantially present, offered and received. with bread and wine. "

Video Eucharist in Lutheranism

Biblical Basis

Martin Luther (like many) sees the primary basis for the Eucharist (as well as Real Presence) can be found in Matthew 26: 26-28, Mark 14: 22-24, Luke 22: 19-20, and 1 Corinthians 11: 23-29.

Maps Eucharist in Lutheranism


The Lutherans believe that the Body and Blood of Christ are "truly and substantially present in, with and under the form" of sanctified bread and wine (elements), so that the communicant eats and drinks both the elements and the Body and Blood of Christ the true. himself in the Eucharistic Sacrament whether they are believers or unbelievers. The Lutheran doctrine of Real Presence is also known as sacramental union. This theology was first formally and publicly recognized at Wittenberg Concord (1536). It has also been called "consubstantiation" but most Lutheran theologians refuse the use of this term because it creates confusion with previous doctrines of the same name. Some Lutherans believe in consubstantiation. Lutherans use the term "in, with and under the form of sanctified bread and wine" and "sacramental union" to distinguish their understanding of the Eucharist from the Reformed tradition and other traditions.

The use of the sacrament

For the Eucharistic Lutheran is not regarded as a valid sacrament unless its elements are used in accordance with Christ's mandate and institution (consecration, distribution, and acceptance). This was first formulated in Wittenberg Concord 1536 in the formula: Nil habet rationem sacramenti extra usum a Christo institutum ("No one has a sacramental character apart from the use instituted by Christ"). To remove any doubt or superstition, reliquiÃÆ'Â| is traditionally either consumed, poured into the earth, or protected by law (see below). In most Lutheran congregations, the administration of the private fellowship of the sick and the "disengaged" (too weak to attend the service) involves a completely separate service of the Eucharist in which the sacramental element is sanctified by the celebrant.

Today, many Lutheran churches offer Eucharistic weeklies, while others offer it less frequently. Weddings and funerals sometimes include Eucharistic celebrations in Lutheran churches. At the ordination of priests/priests and the consecration of bishops, the Eucharist is always offered.

Basic Liturgy for Lutherans: Part 2, Liturgy of the Eucharistic ...

Practice in American Lutheran churches

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and its congregations practice open fellowship - which means that the Lord's Supper is offered to all baptized Christians who have confessed their sins and received the forgiveness of sins. The Congregation in the Lutheran-Missouri Church Synod, and the Lutheran Evangelical synod of Wisconsin close the fellowship, which means that Lutheran catechetical instruction is necessary for everyone before receiving the Eucharist, although some of the sessions in these synods only ask someone to speak to the previous shepherd. service to confirm their general beliefs or acknowledge this on their attendance card. For Lutheran in general, acknowledgment and forgiveness are considered appropriate preparations for receiving the sacrament. However, the Lutheran historical practice of preparation by personal confession and absolution is rarely found in the Lutheran congregation of America. For this reason, often short commands or rites of confession and absolution are included at the beginning of the Lutheran liturgy.

The more congregations in the ELCA, offering teaching to children who are baptized in general between the ages of 6-8 years and, after a short period of catechism teaching, children are welcome to take part in the Eucharist. Most other ELCA congregations offer First Communion teaching to children in the 5th grade. In other Lutheran churches, the person must receive confirmation before receiving the Eucharist. Infants and children who have not received catechetical instruction (or confirmation) can be brought to the Eucharistic distribution by their parents to be blessed by the pastor.

Communion Table Stock Photos & Communion Table Stock Images - Alamy

How to accept

How to receive a different Eucharist around the world. In most Lutheran churches in America, the older Latin Rite habit is maintained, where a cushioned area and altar rail sit in front of the altar where the congregation can kneel and receive the sacrament (as seen in the picture below). Traditionally, only those in the holy service office are distributing the two elements of fellowship, but it is now a prevailing practice that the Pastor distributes the host and the assistant then distributes the wine. The trial departs and may make the sign of the cross.

In other Lutheran churches, the process is similar to the post-Vatican II revised Roman Catholic rite. The Eucharist minister (most often pastor) and his assistant march, with the eucharistic minister in the center holding the host and two assistants on both sides holding the cup. People process to the forefront and receive the Eucharist standing. After this, people make the sign of the cross (if they choose to) and return to their place in the congregation.

Bread is generally a wafer without thin yeast, but yeast wafers can also be used. Some parishes use intonation, dipping the host into the cup. Placing host in the hands of communicant is generally practiced, but some people might prefer that pastors put the host to their mouths in a pre-Vatican Catholic tradition II. Grapes are usually given through a cup, but many congregations use individual cups. This may be filled or filled from the cup during the distribution of the Eucharist. Some ELCA congregations make grape juice available to children and those who stay away from alcohol and some will accommodate those allergic to wheat or wine.

Catholics, Lutherans and the Eucharist: There's a lot to share ...

Adoration and Corpus Christi

Lutheran Eucharistic adoration is not common, but when it does, it is only done from the moment of consecration to acceptance. Many people kneel when they practice this adoration. The consecrated elements are treated with great respect and are in many ways reserved as in Orthodox, Roman Catholic and Anglican practice. The Corpus Christi feast is preserved in the main Lutheran Church calendar until about 1600, but continues to be celebrated by many Lutheran congregations. On this feast the consecrated host is displayed on the altar in the monstrance and, in some churches, the rites of the Blessed Sacrament of the Blessed Sacrament and other forms of worship are celebrated.

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Liturgical Lutheran worship is called "Divine Service", "Holy Communion", or "Eucharist." Examples of formulas for Lutheran liturgy are as follows:

The "Great Thanksgiving" or the Sursum corda are pronounced or pronounced.

Reverend: The Lord is with you.

People: And with your passion.

Reverend: Lift up your heart.

People: We take them to God.

Reverend: Let's thank God, our Lord.

People: This is true and fair.

Furthermore, the appropriate introduction is spoken or spoken by the pastor. Below is an example:

It is really good, true and beneficial that we should at all times and in all places be grateful to you, the Holy God, the Omnipotent, eternal, who in your many saints surrounds us with so many witness clouds that we rejoice in their fellowship, able to run with the race of patience prescribed before us and, together with them, may receive the crown of glory that does not diminish. Therefore with angels and angels and with all the heavenly companies we praise and glorify your noble name, the more you praise and say:

This is followed by Sanctus , sung by the church.

Holy, holy, holy God,

The god of the host.

Heaven and earth are full of your glory.

Hosanna at the highest.

Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.

Hosanna at the highest.

Furthermore, the first part of the Prayer Eucharist is spoken by the pastor.

Reverend: You are a holy God, omnipotent and compassionate; You are the most sacred, and majestic is the majesty of your glory. You love the world you give to your Only Begotten, that whoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. After coming to the world, he fulfills our will and completes our salvation.

The pastor then uttered the words of the Institute. The pastor can also elevate the elements as well as genuflect.

Our Lord Jesus Christ, on the night when He was betrayed, took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples and said, 'Take away; eat; this is my body, given to you. It's my memory. 'In the same way, too, He took the cup after dinner, and when He had given thanks, He gave it to them saying,' Drink all of it. This cup is the New Testament in My Blood, which is shed for you for the forgiveness of sins. It does as often as you drink it, as a warning to me. '

The Eucharistic Prayer continues, together with the Warning Warning.

Remembering, therefore, His good command, His Passion and His life-giving death, His glorious resurrection and ascension, and her promise to come again, we thank You, Almighty God, not as it should be, but because we are capable; and we ask you mercifully to receive our praise and thanks, and, with your Word and Holy Spirit, to bless us, your servants, and your own gifts of bread and wine; that we and all who share in the body and blood of your Son may be filled with heavenly peace and joy, and receive the forgiveness of sins, can be sanctified in the soul and body, and have our share of all your saints.

People: Amen.

Pastor: Mystery of faith.

People: When we eat this bread and drink this cup, we proclaim your Death, O Lord, until you come again.

Reverend: Lord Jesus Christ, only the Son of the Father, who gives us body and blood to eat and drink, You lead us to remember and acknowledge your cross and your desires, your blessed death, Your rest in the grave, the resurrection from the dead , your ascension to heaven, and your return appointment.

Our Father's Prayer

Pastor: Lord, remember us in your kingdom and teach us to pray:

People: Our Father, who is in heaven, is sanctified to be your name, your kingdom come, your will will be done on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread; and forgive us for our transgression because we forgive those who are guilty of us; and leads us into temptation, but frees us from evil. For the kingdom and strength and glory are yours now and forever. Amin.

The "Peace" atau "pax"

Pastor: God's peace is always with you.

People: And with your passion. (or "And also with you.")

Pastor: Let's give each other peace signals. (the peace of Christ is divided among the people)

After this, Agnus Dei was sung.

The Lamb of God, you take the sin of the world, have mercy on us.

The Lamb of God, you take the sin of the world, have mercy on us.

The Lamb of God, you take the sin of the world, give us peace. Amin.

The next distribution (see above for different manners), this is followed by nunc dimittis , which is sung as follows:

God, now you let your maid go peacefully,

according to your word.

Because my eyes have seen your salvation,

which you have prepared before facing everyone,

a light to illuminate Gentiles

and the glory of thy people Israel.

The postcommunion didoakan oleh pendeta.

We are grateful to You, God Almighty, that You have refreshed us through this good gift, and we beg You to be Your mercy, You will strengthen us through the same faith toward You and in sincere love toward one another; through Jesus Christ, your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amin.

Finally Benedikamus Domino and blessings are spoken or spoken by priests and churches with the Crusades made at the end.

Reverend: The Lord is with you.

People: And with your passion.

Reverend: Let us bless God.

People: Thanks to God.

Reverend: God bless you and keep you; God made his face shine on you and compassion on you; God looks at you with kindness and gives you peace. [Number 6: 24-26]


Communion is often accompanied by music. Some hymns, such as " SchmÃÆ'¼cke dich, o liebe Seele " are dedicated to fellowship, to be sung in preparation. Chorale preludes on their themes traditionally played during communion ( sub communione ).

Holy Communion in the ELCA â€

See also

  • the theology of the Eucharist
  • the Lutheran sacrament

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Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Worship

External links

  • Explanation of Public Services (1908)

Source of the article : Wikipedia
