Technology integration is the use of technology tools in the field of general content in education to enable students to apply computer and technology skills to learn and solve problems. In general, curricula encourage the use of technology and not vice versa. Technology integration is defined as the use of technology to enhance and support the educational environment. The integration of technology in the classroom can also support classroom instruction by creating opportunities for students to complete tasks on the computer rather than with regular pencils and papers.
"The integration curriculum with the use of technology involves infusion of technology as a tool to enhance learning in the area of ​​content or multidisciplinary arrangements... Effective technology integration is achieved when students can select technology tools to help them obtain information in timely, analyzing and synthesizing information, and present it professionally to authentic audiences. Technology should be an integral part of how classroom functions - accessible like all other classroom tools.The focus in any lesson or unit is the result of curriculum, not technology. "
Integrating technology with a standardized curriculum not only can provide a sense of strength to students, but also allows for more advanced learning among a wide range of topics. However, this technology requires ongoing infrastructure, maintenance and improvement - a key element, among many, how this technology can be used for curricular purposes and whether they will succeed or not. Examples of the infrastructure needed to operate and support the integration of technology in schools include at the basic level of electricity, Internet service providers, routers, modems, and personnel to maintain the network, beyond the initial cost of hardware and software.
The standard education curriculum with technology integration can provide tools for advanced learning among various topics. The integration of information and communication technologies is often closely monitored and evaluated because of the current climate of accountability, results-based education, and standardization in assessment.
Technology integration in some ways can be a problem. The high ratio of students to technological devices has been shown to inhibit or slow down learning and task completion. In some cases, examples of fellow interactions centered on integrated technology have proven to develop a more cooperative sense of social relationships. The success or failure of technology integration depends on factors outside the technology. The availability of the right software for integrated technology is also problematic in terms of software accessibility to students and educators. Another problem identified with technology integration is the lack of long-term planning for these tools within the education district they use.
Technology contributes to global developments and diversity in the classroom while helping to develop the fundamental building blocks needed for students to achieve more complex ideas. In order for technology to make an impact in the education system, teachers and students should access technology in contextually relevant, culturally responsive and meaningful matters for their educational practices and which promote quality teaching and active student learning.
Video Technology integration
The term 'educational technology' was used during the post-World War II era in the United States for integration of tools such as film strips, slide projectors, language labs, audio cassettes, and television. Today, computers, tablets, and mobile devices are integrated into the classroom settings for educational purposes most commonly referred to as 'up-to-date' education technologies. It is important to note that educational technology is constantly changing, and once referred to the whiteboard whiteboard used by students in early school in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The phrase 'educational technology', the combined meaning of educational technology, is used to refer to the most advanced technology available for teaching and learning in a particular era.
In 1994, the federal law for the United States Act and the American Enhancement School Act (IASA) provided official funding for state and federal education technology planning. One of the main goals listed in the Educate America Act is to promote the research, consensus formation, and systemic changes necessary to ensure fair educational opportunities and high levels of educational attainment for all students (Public Law 103-227). In 1996, the Telecommunications Law provided the systematic changes necessary to ensure a fair educational opportunity to bring new technology into the education sector. The Telecomm Act requires access and affordable services for advanced telecommunication services for public schools and libraries. Many computers, tablets, and mobile devices currently used in classrooms operate via Internet connectivity; especially application-based ones like tablets. Schools in high-cost areas and disadvantaged schools receive higher discounts on telecommunications services such as the Internet, cable, satellite television and management components.
A chart of "Penetration Technology at US Public Schools" reported that 98% of schools reported having computers in the 1995-1996 school year, with 64% of Internet access, and 38% working through network systems. The student ratio for computers in the United States in 1984 stood at 15 students per 1 computer, now standing at the lowest average of 10 students to a computer. From the 1980s to the 2000s, the most important issue to be studied in educational technology was school access to technology in accordance with 1997 Policy Policy Report for Computers and Classrooms: Technology Status at US Schools. These technologies include computers, multimedia computers, the Internet, networks, cable TV, and satellite technology among other technology-based resources.
Newer, ubiquitous computing devices, such as computers and tablets, are used as network-class collaborative technologies. Computers, tablets, and mobile devices can be used in educational settings in groups, between people and for collaborative tasks. This device provides teachers and students access to the World Wide Web in addition to various software applications.
Maps Technology integration
Technology education standards
The National Education Technology Standard (NETS) serves as a roadmap since 1998 to improve teaching and learning by educators. As stated above, these standards are used by teachers, students, and administrators to measure competence and set higher goals to become skilled.
The Partnership for 21st Century Skills is a national organization advocating 21st century readiness for every student. Their latest Technology Plan was released in 2010, "Transforming American Education: Learning Powered by Technology". The plan outlines a vision of "to utilize the science of learning and modern technology to create an engaging, relevant, and personal learning experience for all students reflecting the daily life of students and their future reality.Unlike traditional classroom instruction, it requires students to be placed in centered and encouraged to control their own learning by providing flexibility to multiple dimensions. "Although the tool has changed dramatically since the beginning of educational technology, the vision of using this empowered, self-directed learning technology remains consistent.
The integration of electronic devices into the classroom has been cited as a possible solution to bridge access for students, to close the achievement gap, subject to the digital divide, based on social class, economic inequality, or gender where and potential users do not have sufficient cultural capital which is necessary to have access to information and communication technology. Some motivations or arguments have been cited for integrating high-tech hardware and software into schools, such as (1) making schools more efficient and productive than current, (2) if this goal is achieved, teaching and learning will be transformed into an interesting and actively related to real life, and (3) is preparing the younger generation today for future workplace. Computers have access to graphs and other functions that students can use to express their creativity. Technology integration does not always have to be done with a computer. Can use overhead projectors, student response testers, etc. Improving the way students learn is essential in technology integration. Technology will always help students to learn and explore more.
Much of the research in technology integration has been criticized for not being theoretical and ad hoc more driven by technological abilities than the demands of pedagogy and subject matter. Armstrong (2012) argues that multimedia transmission turns out to limit learning to simple content, as it is difficult to deliver complex content through multimedia.
One approach that seeks to address these concerns is a framework that aims to describe the nature of teacher knowledge for successful technology integration. Knowledge of the technological pedagogy content or TPACK framework has recently received positive attention.
Another model that has been used to analyze technology integration is the SAMR framework, developed by Ruben Puentedura. This model tries to measure the level of technology integration with 4 levels that change from Enhancement to Transformation: Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, Redefinition.
Constructivism is an important component of technology integration. It is a learning theory that describes the process of students building their own knowledge through collaboration and inquiry-based learning. According to this theory, students learn deeper and store information longer when they have a voice in what and how they will learn. Question-based learning, therefore, is to examine questions that are personally relevant and directional because of their direct relationship to those who investigate knowledge. As stated by Jean Piaget, constructivist learning is based on four stages of cognitive development. In these stages, children must take an active role in their own learning and produce meaningful works to develop a clear understanding. These works are a reflection of the knowledge that has been achieved through active, independent learning. Students are active leaders in their learning and their learning is led by students rather than directed by the teacher.
Many teachers use a constructivist approach in their classroom assuming one or more of the following roles: facilitator, collaborator, curriculum developer, team member, community builder, educational leader, or information producer.
Reject arguments to computer in class
Is technology in the classroom needed, or does it hamper students' social development? We've all seen teenagers on their phones, all texting, not really socializing or talking to each other. How do they develop social and communication skills? Neil Postman (1993) concluded:
The school's role is to help students learn how to ignore and discard information so that they can achieve a sense of coherence in their lives; to help students foster a sense of social responsibility; to help students think critically, historically, and humanely; to help students understand the ways in which technology shapes their awareness; to help students learn that their own needs are sometimes under the group's needs. I can continue for the other three pages in this vein without reference to how the machine can give students access to information. Instead, let me summarize in two ways what I mean. First, I will quote statements made repeatedly by my friend Alan Kay, who is sometimes called "the father of a personal computer." Alan likes to remind us that every problem that school can not finish without a machine, they can not solve it. Secondly, and with this I will end: If a nuclear holocaust has to happen somewhere in the world, it will not happen because of insufficient information; if children are starving in Somalia, it is not because of insufficient information; if crime terrorizes our city, marriage breaks up, mental disorders increase, and children are abused, all this happens because of lack of information. These things happen because we lack something else. This is "something else" that is now a school business.
Interactive Whiteboard
The interactive whiteboard is used in many schools instead of the standard whiteboards and provides a way to enable students to interact with the material on a computer. In addition, some interactive whiteboard software allows teachers to record their instructions.
- 3D virtual environments are also used with interactive whiteboards as a way for students to interact with 3D virtual learning objects using kinetics and class haptic touch. An example of using this technique is the open-source Edusim project.
- Research has been conducted to track Interactive Whiteboard markets worldwide by Decision Tree Consulting (DTC), a research company worldwide. According to the results, interactive Whiteboard continues to be the largest technological revolution in the classroom, worldwide there are more than 1.2 million boards installed, more than 5 million classrooms are forecast to have an Interactive Whiteboard installed in 2011, America is the largest region followed by EMEA, and Mexico's Enciclomedia project to equip 145,000 classrooms worth $ 1.8 billion and is the largest educational technology project in the world.
- An interactive whiteboard can accommodate different learning styles, such as visual, touch, and audio.
The interactive whiteboard is another way that technology develops in schools. By helping teachers to better assist students and finding different ways to process information across the classroom.
Student response system
The student response system consists of a handheld remote control unit, or response pad, operated by each student. The infrared or radio frequency receiver attached to the teacher's computer collects data submitted by the student. The CPS (Classroom Performance System), once set, allows teachers to ask questions to students in several formats. Students then use the answers to send their answers to the infrared sensor. The data collected from this system is available for teachers in real time and can be presented to students in graphical form on LCD projectors. Teachers can also access various reports to collect and analyze student data. This system has been used in higher education science programs since the 1970s and has become popular in K-12 classrooms that began in the early 21st century.
The audience response system (ARS) can help teachers analyze, and act on the feedback of students more efficiently. For example, with, students send answers via mobile devices to warm up or quiz questions. Classroom can quickly see collective responses to multiple choice questions electronically, allowing teachers to differentiate instruction and learn where students desperately need help.
Combining ARS with peer learning through collaborative discussions has also proven to be very effective. When students answer individual conceptual questions in the classroom, then discuss with their neighbors, and then select again on the same or conceptually similar questions, the percentage of correct student responses usually increases, even in groups where no students are giving the correct answer beforehand.
Among other tools that have been noted as being effective as a means of technology integration are podcasts, digital cameras, smart phones, tablets, digital media, and blogs.
Mobile learning
Mobile learning is defined as "learning in various contexts, through social interaction and content, using personal electronic devices". Mobile devices are basically any device that is portable and has internet access and includes tablets, smart phones, cell phones, e-book readers, and MP3 players. As mobile devices become increasingly common personal devices of K-12 students, some educators are trying to take advantage of downloadable applications and interactive games to help facilitate learning. This practice can be controversial because many parents and educators worry that students will lose their jobs because teachers can not monitor their activities. This is currently being solved by a form of mobile learning that requires log-in, acting as a way to track student engagement.
According to the findings of four meta-analyzes, a technological blend with face-to-face teacher time generally yields better results than face-to-face or online learning alone. Current research is limited to specific features of technology integration that enhance learning. Meanwhile, the market of learning technology continues to grow and vary greatly in content, quality, implementation, and context of usage.
Research shows that adding technology to the K-12 environment, alone, does not necessarily improve learning. What is most important for implementing mobile learning is how students and teachers use technology to develop knowledge and skills and who need training. The success of technology integration to learn goes hand in hand with changes in teacher training, curriculum, and assessment practice.
An example of professional development of teachers is profiled in Edutopia's School That Work series on eMints, a program that offers teachers 200 hours of training and training in technology integration over a span of two years. In this workshop teachers are trained in practice such as using interactive whiteboard and the latest web tools to facilitate active learning. In the 2010 publication, Learning Point Associates, statistics show that students from teachers who have participated in eMints have much higher standardized test scores than those achieved by their peers.
It can keep students focused for longer periods of time. The use of computers for information/data is a tremendous time saver, especially when used to access comprehensive resources such as the Internet to conduct research. This time-saving aspect can make students focus more on projects longer than with books and paper resources, and help them develop better learning through exploration and research.
Project-based activities
Definition: Project Based Learning is a teaching method in which students gain knowledge and skills by working for a long period of time to investigate and respond to authentic, interesting and complex questions, problems or challenges.
Project-Based Activity is a teaching method in which students gain knowledge and skills by engaging themselves for more time periods to research and respond to interesting, complex questions, problems or challenges. students will work in groups to solve challenging problems. Students will work in groups to solve challenging, real, curriculum-based problems and often relate to more than one branch of knowledge. Therefore, well-designed project-based learning activities are one that addresses the different learning styles of students and who do not assume that all students can demonstrate their knowledge in a single standard way.
Project-based learning activities involve four basic elements.
- Extended time frame.
- Collaboration.
- Investigations, inquiry, and research.
- Construction of artifacts or performance of consequential tasks.
Examples of activities
The term "hunt" refers to searching or looking for something. "CyberHunt" means the online activity that learner uses the internet as a tool to find answers to questions based on topics defined by others. Therefore learners can also design CyberHunt on certain topics. CyberHunt, or internet hunting, is a project-based activity that helps students gain experience in exploring and surfing the internet. CyberHunt can ask students to interact with the site (for example: playing games or watching videos), taking down short answers to teacher questions, and reading and writing about a topic in depth. There are basically two types of CyberHunt:
- Simple task, where teachers develop a series of questions and give students hypertext links to URLs that will give them answers.
- More complex tasks, intended to improve and improve students' internet search skills. Teachers ask questions to students to answer using a search engine.
It is a question-oriented activity in which most or all of the information used by learners is drawn by the internet/web. It is designed to use a good time for learners, to focus on using information rather than seeking and supporting learners to think at the level of analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. This is a great way to capture the imagination of students and enable them to explore in a guided and meaningful way. It allows students to explore problems and find their own answers.
There are six building blocks webQuests:
- Introduction - captures student interest.
- Tasks that describe the final product activity.
- The resource website, which students will use to complete the task.
- Evaluation-measures the outcome of the activity.
- Conclusion-conclude the activity.
WebQuests is an interactive, student-centered, web-based curricular unit that uses Internet resources. The purpose of webQuest is to use information on the web to support the instruction taught in the classroom. WebQuest consists of introductory, assigned (or final completed projects at the end of webQuest), processes (or learning activities), web-based resources, learning evaluations, reflections on learning, and conclusions.
The Web-Based Scientific Investigation Environment (WISE) provides a platform for making science research projects for high school and high school students using evidence and resources from the Web. Funded by the US National Science Foundation, WISE has been developed at the University of California, Berkeley from 1996 until now. The WISE investigation project covers a variety of elements such as online discussion, data collection, drawing, argument creation, resource sharing, concept mapping, and other tools, as well as links to relevant web resources. It is an open source focusing on the research of inquiry-based learning management systems that include a student-learning environment environ- ment environment, assessment tools, and tools and user/course/content management tools.
Virtual field trip
A virtual field trip is a website that allows students to experience places, ideas, or objects beyond the classroom boundary. Virtual field trips are a great way to enable students to explore and experience new information. This format is very helpful and useful in enabling schools to reduce costs. Virtual field visits may also be more practical for children in younger classes, due to the fact that there is no demand for escort and supervision. Although, virtual field trips do not allow children to have hands-on experience and social interactions that can and do occur on actual field trips. An educator should incorporate the use of hands on the material to advance their understanding of the material presented and experienced in a virtual field trip. It is an guided exploration through the www that regulates a pre-filtering set, its thematic web page based into an online learning experience structure
EPortfolio is a collection of student work that shows student achievement in one or more fields over time. Components in a typical student ePortfolio may contain creative writing, painting, photography, math exploration, music, and video. And it is a collection of work developed in various contexts over time. Portfolios can advance learning by providing students and/or faculty by organizing, filing and displaying works.
Source of the article : Wikipedia