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The question is a linguistic expression used to make an information request, or a request made using that expression. The requested information is provided in the form of an answer.

Questions have developed a variety of uses that go beyond simple information from others. Rhetorical questions, for example, are used to make a point, and are not expected to be answered. Many languages ​​have a special grammatical form for the question (for example, in the English sentence "Are you happy?", The inversion of your subject and the verb is to show it to be a question rather than a statement). However, questions can also be asked without using these interrogative grammar structures - for example one can use commands, as in "Tell me your name".

Video Question


The main use of questions is to obtain information from the person handled by indicating the information the speaker wants (or the author). However, questions can also be used for a number of other purposes. Questions can be asked for the purpose of testing a person's knowledge, such as in a quiz or exam. Asking questions can guide the questioner along the way of research (see Socrates method).

The research question is an interrogative statement that manifests objectives or lines of scientific or scientific inquiry designed to address specific gaps in knowledge. The research question is stated in the language appropriate for the academic community who has the greatest interest in the answer that will answer the gap. This interrogative statement serves as a launching point for pursuing new knowledge academically by directing and limiting the investigation of a topic, a series of research, or the entire research program.

The rhetorical question is asked to make a point, and not to expect an answer (often the answer is implied or clear). Some questions are used primarily as polite requests, such as "Are you going through salt?"

Pre-suppositional or loaded questions, such as "Have you stopped beating your wife?" can be used as a joke or to embarrass an audience, because any answer one can give someone will imply more information than he or she is willing to assert.

Questions can also be used as titles of literary, art and scholarship works. Examples include short stories Leo Tolstoy How Much Land Needs Men? , the painting And When Did You Last See Your Dad? , movies What about Bob? , and the academic work Who Asks the First Question?


Various categorization questions have been asked. With respect to research projects, one system distinguishes:

  • descriptive questions , mainly used for the purpose of describing the existence of multiple things or processes
  • relational question , is designed to see the relationship between two or more variables
  • causal question , which is designed to determine whether a particular variable affects one or more result variables

For the purposes of the survey, one type of question asked is a closed question (also closed or dichotomous ), usually requiring yes/no answers or option option (s) from the list (see also multiple choice). There are also nominal questions , designed to inquire about quantitative measures, typically making the relationship between numbers and concepts (as in "1 = Medium = 2 = Severe; 3 =..."). Open or open questions give respondents greater freedom to provide information or opinions about a topic. (Differences between closed and open questions are applied in a variety of other contexts as well, such as job interviews.) Surveys also often contain qualifying questions (also called filter questions or contingency questions ), which serves to determine whether the respondent needs to continue to answer the next question.

Some types of questions that can be used in the educational context are contained in the Taxonomy Taxonomy of educational goals. These include questions designed to test and promote:

  • Knowledge: Who, what, when, where, why, how?.?.? Describe:.Ã,.Ã,.Ã,?
  • Understanding: RetellÃ,.Ã,.Ã,
  • Application: How is an example of?. ???; How is that? Related?. ???; Why ?.?.? Significant?
  • Analysis
  • : What part or feature of?.?.? Classificationà ¢ â, "à ¢ â,‰" ¢ according toà ¢ â, "à ¢ â," à ¢ â,¬;
  • Synthesis: What would you conclude from?.? What ideas can you add to?.? How do you design a new one?. ??? What will happen if you combine?. ??? What solution would you suggest for?.?
  • Evaluation: Do you agree that?.?.? What do you think of?. ??? What is most important?.? Place the following according to priority.?. ?? How do you decide about?.? What criteria would you use to rate?

"Questioning Toolkit" McKenzie listed 17 types of questions, and showed that thinkers need to organize and combine these types. Examples of these types of questions include irreverent questions , seemingly irrelevant questions , hypothetical questions and unanswered questions . Questions can also be inappropriate, because they are based on the wrong place and are not logical (eg "Why do cats have green wings?").

Strategic studies also consider the process of inquiring. In Humint (Human Intelligence), taxonomy questions include:

  • Direct questions: basic questions usually begin with an interrogative (who, what, where, when, how, or why) and need a narrative answer. They are short, precise, and only spoken to avoid confusion.
  • Initial question: directed to get basic information about the topic. In other words, they are "who, what, where, when, how, and why" of each topic.
  • Follow-up question: used to expand and supplement the information obtained from the original question.
  • Question is not important: questions that are not related to the purpose of collection. They are used to hide the purpose of collection or to strengthen the relationship with the source.
  • Repeat the question: ask the source for the same information that was obtained in response to a previous question.
  • Control question: developed from recently confirmed information from other sources that will likely not change.
  • Questions are ready to be developed by HUMINT collectors, usually in writing, before being interrogated.
  • Ready question: used primarily when handling technical or specific topic information.
  • Negative questions: questions that contain negative words in the question itself such as, "Did not you go to the pick-up point?"
  • Joint question: consists of two questions asked at the same time; for example, "Where do you go after work and who are you to meet there?"
  • The question is vague: it does not have enough information for the source to understand what the HUMINT collector requested. They may be incomplete, general, or non-specific.
  • Elicitation: is the acquisition of information through direct interaction with human sources in which the source is not aware of the specific purpose for the conversation.

With the grammatical

Questions that ask whether some statements are true are called yes-no questions (or polar questions, or general questions), because in principle they can be answered by "yes" or "no" or a similar word or expression in another language). Examples include "Are you taking sugar?", "Should they be trusted?" and "Am I the loneliest person in the world?"

A similar type of question in the form of a yes-no question, but not meant to be answered with "yes" or "no", is an alternate question (or question choice ). It presents two or more alternative answers, such as in "Do you want fish or sheep?", Or "Do you support England, Ireland or Wales?" The expected response is either an alternative, or some other indication like "both" or "no" (the questionnaire form sometimes contains "nothing above" or similar options for such questions). Because of their similarity in the form of yes-no questions, they can sometimes be answered "yes" or "no", may be funny or as a result of misunderstanding.

Other main types of questions (other than yes-no questions) are questions called wh -questions (or non-polar questions , or special questions ). It uses interrogative ( wh words) like when , who , who , how , etc. to determine the desired information. (In some languages, the formation of such questions may involve wh -movement - see the sections below for grammatical descriptions.) The name comes from the fact that most English interrogative words (with the exception of < i> how ) starts with the letter wh . These are the kinds of questions sometimes referred to in journalism and other investigative contexts such as the Five Ws.

The tag question is a grammatical structure in which a declarative or necessity statement is converted into a question by adding interrogative fragments ("tags"), such as right in "do you remember eggs, right?", Or is not that in "It's cold today, is not it?" The tag question may or may not be responsible with yes or no.

As well as direct questions (like Where's my key? ), there are also indirect questions (also called interrogative content clauses ), like where my key is . This is used as a subordinate clause in sentences like "I want to know where my keys are" and "Ask him where my key is." Indirect questions do not always follow the same grammar rules as a direct question. For example, in English and some other languages, indirect questions are formed without the inversion of subjects and verbs (compare the order of words in "where are they?" And "(I want to know) where they are"). Indirect questions may also be subject to tense changes and other changes generally applicable to indirect speech.

Maps Question


Language can use syntax and prosodies to distinguish interrogative (asking questions) sentences from declarative sentences (which state propositions). Syntax refers to grammatical changes, such as words moving around or adding question words; Prosodi refers here to the change intonation when speaking.

In English, German, French and many other languages, questions are marked with different word order that displays inversion - the subject is placed after the verb rather than the previous one: "You are cold" to "Are you cold?" However, English allows such reversal only with a particular verb class (called auxiliary or special verb), and thus sometimes requires the addition of a helper do , do or whether before inversion can occur ("He sings" -> "Does he sing?") - for details see do - support.

In some languages, yes-questions are not marked by interrogative particles, such as Japanese ? ka , Mandarin ? ma and Polish czy . Also, in common language, wh - questions are queried ( wh words) like what , where or how . In a language like English, this word generally moves forward the sentence ( wh -fronting), and the subject verb reversal occurs as in the yes-no question, but in some other languages ​​this change in the word order is not required (eg Mandarin ????? n? yÃÆ' o shÃÆ' Â © nme , meaning "what did you do want? "literally" what do you want? ").

The pattern of intonation of characteristic questions often involves high notes near the end of a sentence. In English this happens mainly for yes-no questions; it can also be used for sentences that do not have a grammatical question form, but still intended to obtain information (declarative questions), as in "You do not use this?"

In languages ​​written in Latin, Cyrillic or some other script, the question mark at the end of the sentence identifies the question in writing. (In Spanish an additional inverted sign is placed at the beginning: Ã,¿CÃÆ'³mo estÃÆ' usted? "How are you?") Like intonation, this feature is not limited to a sentence that has a grammatical form of question - this can also show the pragmatic function of a sentence.

The Question | i.d.9:16


The most common answer to a question is an answer that gives the information indicated as wanted by the questioner. This can range from simple yes or no (in case of yes-no questions) to more complex or detailed answers. (The answer may be true or false , depending on whether the information it provides is true or false.) Indication of the inability or unwillingness to provide an answer is another question of a question.

"Negative question" is an interrogative sentence containing negation in the sentence, such as "Should not you work?" These can have different ways of expressing affirmations and rejection of standardized question forms, and they can be confusing, as it is sometimes unclear whether the answer should be the opposite of an answer to an unacknowledged question. For example, if someone does not have a passport, both "Do you have a passport?" and "Do not you have a passport?" answered correctly with "No", although it seems to be asking the opposite question. Japanese and Korean languages ​​avoid this ambiguity. Answering "No" to this second in Japanese or Korean means, "I have have a passport".

A similarly ambiguous question in English is "Do you mind if...?" Respondents may answer clearly, "Yes, I object," if they object, or "No, I do not mind," otherwise the simple "No" or "Yes" answer can cause confusion, as a single "No" can looks like "Yes, I mind" (like "No, please do not do that"), and "Yes" can look like "No, I do not mind" (like "Yes, continue"). An easy way to get past this confusion is to ask non-negative questions, such as "Is it okay if...?"

Some languages ​​have different particles (eg French " si ", German " doch " or Danish and Norwegian " jo ") for answer negative questions (or negative statements) in an affirmative way; they provide the means to express contradictions.

More information on this issue can be found in the article yes-no questions, yes and no, and ellipsis replied.

question - PELA


Questions are used from the basic stages of learning to original research. In the scientific method, a question often forms the basis of the investigation and can be considered as a transition between observation and the hypothesis stage. Students of all ages use questions in their topic learning, and the skill of getting students to create "investigated" questions is a central part of inquiry education. The Socratic method of questioning student responses can be used by a teacher to lead students to the truth without direct instruction, and also help students to form logical conclusions.

The use of broad and accepted questions in the educational context is the assessment of student knowledge through exams.

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Philosophical questions are conceptual, not factual. There are questions that are not completely answered by others. Philosophy deals with the questions that arise when people reflect on their life and world. Some practical philosophical questions: eg, "Is euthanasia justified?", "Does the state have the right to censor pornography or restrict tobacco advertising?", "To what extent is M? Ori and P? Keh? Today responsible for decisions made by ancestors them? "

Other philosophical questions are more theoretical, though they often arise through thinking about practical problems. Newly enlisted questions, for example, may pose a more general philosophical question of circumstances in which it may be morally justifiable to take life, or about the extent to which the state may restrict individual freedom. Some of the questions of "classical" philosophy are speculative and theoretical and concern the nature of human knowledge, reality, and existence: for example, "What, if anything, can be known with certainty?", "Is the mind essentially non-physical?" , "Are the values ​​absolute or relative?", "Does the universe need explanation in terms of Great Intelligence?", "What, if any, is the meaning or purpose of human existence?" Finally, philosophical questions are usually about conceptual issues; they often ask about our concepts and the relationship between our concept and the world they represent. Each question implies a statement and each statement implies a question.

How to Use Driving Questions to Shape Your Life


Apes who were activated by Kanzi, Washoe, Sarah and several others who underwent extensive language training programs (using the movements and other forms of visual communication) managed to learn to answer complex and complex questions and requests (including words "who", "" where "questions), although so far they have failed to learn how to ask their own questions.For example, David and Anne Premack wrote:" Though he [Sarah] understood the question, he himself did not ask the question - unlike a child who asks endless questions, like What is it? Who makes noise? When Dad came home? I went to grandma's house? Where's the puppy? Sarah never delayed her coach's departure after her lesson by asking where the coach was going, when she came back, or whatever. "The ability to ask is often judged in terms of the understanding of syntactic structure It is widely accepted, that the first question is asked by humans during their early days, at the pre-syntax stage, a word of language development, with the use of intonation questions.

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See also

Talathi Previous Year Question Paper


Question Mark Background Vector - Download Free Vector Art, Stock ...

Further reading

  • Berti, Enrico, Soggetti di responsabilita: questioni in philosophy pratica , Reggio Emilia, 1993.
  • C. L. Hamblin, "Question", in: Paul Edwards (ed.), Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  • Georg Stahl, "Un dÃÆ' Â © veloppement de la logique des questions", in: Revue Philosophique de la France et de l'Etranger 88 (1963), 293-301.
  • Fieser, James, Lillegard, Norman (eds), philosophical questions: interactive reading and guides, 2005.
  • McKenzie, Jamie, Leading the question: From Now On : Journal of Educational Technology, 2007.
  • McKenzie, Jamie, Learn to ask wonder to learn, From Now On : Journal of Educational Technology, 2005.
  • McKenzie, Jamie, "Question Mark"
  • Dipsita Thakkar, "Questions to Ask", Journal of theories of psychology, 2017.
  • Muratta Bunsen, Eduardo, "Lo erotico en la pregunta", at: Aletheia 5 (1999), 65-74.
  • Smith, Joseph Wayne, Essay on key questions: a critical discussion of the limits of contemporary philosophical inquiry, Aldershot: Avebury, 1988.

Source of the article : Wikipedia
