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Prospect Park | Brooklyn | Outdoors & Recreation

Prospect Park is a 526 acre public park (213 acres) in New York City's Brooklyn district, and the second largest public park in Brooklyn. The park is located between Park Slope neighborhood, Prospect Lefferts Gardens, Ditmas Park and Windsor Terrace, and Flatbush Avenue, Grand Army Plaza and Brooklyn Botanic Garden. Prospect Park is run and operated by Prospect Park Alliance and the Department of Parks and Recreation of New York City. It is part of the Brooklyn-Queens Greenway.

Prospect Park was designed by Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux after they completed Manhattan Central Park. The park's main attractions include the 90-acre Padang Panjang (36Ã, ha); Home Picnic; Litchfield Villa, an existing home from Edwin Clark Litchfield, the early developer of the neighborhood and former owner of the southern part of the Park; Prospect Park Zoo; large natural maintenance managed by the Wildlife Conservation Society; Boathouse, housing visitor center and first urban Audubon Center; The only lake in Brooklyn, covering 60 hectares (24 ha); and Bandshell Prospect Park which hosts free outdoor concerts in the summer. The park also has sports facilities, including seven baseball fields at Long Meadow, Prospect Park Tennis Center, basketball court, baseball field, soccer field, and New York PÃÆ'Â © Tanque Club at Parade Ground. There is also a private Society of Friends tomb at Quaker Hill near the ball field.

Video Prospect Park (Brooklyn)


Before the park

About 17,000 years ago the moraine terminal of the receding Wisconsin glacier that formed the Long Island formed a series of hills and kettles in the northern part of the lower garden and lower plains in the south. Mount Prospect or Prospect Hill, near the intersection of Flatbush Avenue and the Eastern Parkway, looms as high as 200 feet (61 m) above sea level and is the highest among hills stretching into the park, including Sullivan, Breeze and Lookout hills. The area was originally wooded, but became an open pasture after two centuries of European colonization. Significant trees are left in peat swamps centered south of Ninth Street and Flatbush Avenues, and on a large swamp just north of Ninth Avenue and containing chestnut, white poplar and oak trees. Some of these stands are housed in Ravine Park and have been popularized by the nickname 'Brooklyn's Last Forest'.

During the American Revolutionary War (1775-1783), the park was the site of the Battle of Long Island (aka Battle of Brooklyn). American troops are trying to hold the Battle Pass, an opening at the moraine terminal where the old Flatbush Road flies from the Brooklyn village to Flatbush. It fell after some of the heaviest battles in the engagement, and his losses contributed to George Washington's decision to step down. Although the Continental Army lost the battle, they were able to hold British troops long enough for Washington troops to flee across the East River into Manhattan. There is a northern plaque from the zoo that honors the event. Brooklyn City built a reservoir at Prospect Hill in 1856. Preserving the Battlefield area and keeping the grounds around the free reservoirs of the buildings are two reasons to build a large park in the area.

Planning and construction

The original encouragement to build Prospect Park came from 18 April 1859, the State of New York Legislative Act, empowering twelve members of the commission to recommend sites for parks in Brooklyn City. At that time, Brooklyn was the first commuter suburb in the world; then will become the third largest city in the country after New York and Philadelphia. During this time, the concept of a public park gained popularity. In 1858, Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux created Central Park in Manhattan, which became the first landscape park in the United States. James Stranahan believes that the park in Brooklyn "will be a favorite resort for all our community classes, allowing thousands of people to enjoy pure air, with healthy practice, in all seasons of the year..." He also believes that public parks will attract rich people.

Of the seven sites mentioned in their February 1860 proposal, the 320 acre (1.3 km km 2 ) plot centered on Mount Prospect is the most ambitious. Under a plan prepared by Egbert Viele in 1861, this "Mountain Prospect Park" will stradd Flatbush Avenue and include Prospect Hill and the area now occupied by the Brooklyn Public Library, Brooklyn Botanic Garden and the Brooklyn Museum. By the end of 1860, the land had been bought for Viele's plan, but the Civil War halted further activities. According to Lancaster (1972), the delay prompted some reflection; James ST Stranahan, then President of the Board of Commissioners of Brooklyn Park, invited Calvert Vaux to review Viele's plan in early 1865. Vaux discovered the division of the park by troubled Flatbush Avenue, thinking that the park should have a lake, and urged in the direction South. expansion beyond the city limits and into the then independent city of Flatbush.

Vaux's proposal in February 1865 reflects the current layout of the park: three different areas, pastures to the north and west, a wooded pit in the east, and a lake to the south, devoid of distribution by Flatbush Avenue. Vaux includes an oval plaza at the north end of the park: a prototype for the Grand Army Plaza. The revised plan requested the purchase of additional packages to the south and west to accommodate Prospect Lake, but it was abandoned beyond the boundaries of the parks that had been purchased east of Flatbush Avenue, including Prospect Hill itself. It will be included as Mount Prospect Park in 1940.

Changes in the plan are not without consequences. Land speculation is ongoing, and stretching along Ninth Avenue (now Prospect Park West) is held by real estate developer Edwin Clarke Litchfield who in 1857 has set up his home, Litchfield Manor, on the east side of the highway. Purchase of 1868 holdings, many between the Ninth and the Tenth Road and from 3 to 15 streets, including the manor, the Garden Commission costs $ 1.7 million, forty-two percent of the total expenditure on the land. However, many, which constitute more than five percent of the park area. Most of this very expensive land becomes a place of care and is rarely seen by the public. In contrast, Quaker's grave is accommodated by a treaty in which the Society of Friends hands over their unused land on very favorable terms thus retaining the remaining 10-acre as their personal cemetery forever; still active today, with the public occasionally invited to visit.

Despite the impact of Vaux's revision, Stranahan championed the plan. Vaux recruited Olmsted and officially presented their proposal in January 1866 and received in May, with work beginning in June. The park commissioners opened the park to the public on October 19, 1867, while still under construction. The work continued for another six years until completion substantially in 1873, although certain aspects of the original design were never performed. With financial panic in 1873, Olmsted and Vaux halted significant operations in the park and dispersed their partnership. Overall, the cost of acquiring Garden land by Brooklyn City is over $ 4 million. The actual cost of Park construction amounts to more than $ 5 million.

Although Olmsted and Vaux designers enjoyed the fame of the twenty-first century, Stranahan was considered by his 19th-century counterparts as the true "Father of the Prospect of the Garden," a reputation established through the 22-year reign of Park Commission president (1860-1882), Olmsted's involvement and Vaux, overseeing the complex and politically-charged land acquisition, secured funding for the building of the park, and, upon completion, defended its design against unwanted changes, leaving Brooklyn probably its greatest legacy. The statue appears exactly inside the entrance of the Grand Army Plaza, which was carved by Frederick MacMonnies and handed over to Stranahan in June 1891.

Neoclassical phase

In 1882, Brooklyn Mayor Seth Low did not reappoint Stranahan or any other commissioner, a change that neither Stranahan nor any other commissioner opposed. Stranahan, on its part, became more involved in other Brooklyn concerns. However, the action signifies a change in the style of park management, which grew to embrace neoclassicism. With the construction of the Memorial Arch at the Grand Army Plaza, the park commissioners involve McKim, Mead, and the architectural firm White to redesign the Plaza in a complementary, neo-classical way. In 1896, the Grand Army Plaza wore four towering granite pillars decorated with carvings of fasces and eagles at the base. (Bronze eagles above the columns will be installed in 1902.) Granite fences with decorative bronze jars replace simple wooden fences, and polygonal granite pavilions in the eastern and western corners of the park replace previous rural shelter. All of the park's main entrances receive the same neoclassical treatment. At the turn of the 20th century, Frederick MacMonnies sculptures adorn the Arch and work with MacMonnies and Alexander Proctor adorning many entrances.

Neoclassical structures appear in the garden as well. In 1893 and 1894, the Children's Playground and Swimming Pool in the northeast quadrant of the park were transformed by McKim, Mead and White into Rose Garden and Vale of Cashmere, each formally organized room. Lincoln Monument 1895 Stanford White, near the Terrace Bridge, dedicated to Maryland 400, a valiant warrior in the Battle of the Brooklyn Revolution (aka Long Island) on the slopes of Lookout Hill. The 1904 Peristyle, 1905 Boathouse, 1910 Tennis House, and 1912 Willink Comfort Station, all designed by Helmle, Hudswell and Huberty, alumni and proteges from McKim, Mead, and White, spread neo-classical examples throughout the park.

Merger of Brooklyn city with New York City in Manhattan Island with another remote area in 1898, created the Greater City of New York to unite the fate of Prospect Park with a larger garden system developed. From World War I to the Fiorello La Guardia government in the 1930s, investment in the park's infrastructure declined. The new structure was limited to Picnic House, (1927) which replaced the previously burnt rural structure in 1926, and a small convenience station at the entrance of Ocean Avenue (1930), both designed by J. Sarsfield Kennedy.

The new Memorial is limited to the 9th Street Memorial for the Marquis de la Fayette (1917) and the Honor Roll Memorial (1920), near the current skating rink. Prospect Park is in stasis, and it's run, year after year, with a declining budget, a malaise that affects all the city parks. "In the 1930s," The New York Times observed, "the generation of Park Department officials have lived well and become rich by diverting maintenance funds, and the parks show the results of half a century of harassment and neglect."

In 1932, a false Mount Vernon was built in the park to commemorate the anniversary of George Washington's birthday. A reconstruction of Federal Hall, at one point on Wall Street was built at Bryant Park as well as part of the celebrations.

Robert Moses and Prospect Park

In January 1934, the newly elected Mayor Fiorello La Guardia appointed commissioner Robert Moses from the integrated park department, a new organization that eliminated the borough field commissioner. Moses will remain Commissary of the Park for the next twenty-six years, leaving distinctive and controversial signs in all the city parks. Moses is ready to tap the available federal money to alleviate the Depression-era unemployment. Prospect Park boomed during Moses' tenure, such as Bandshell, Prospect Park Zoo, and five playgrounds.

In 1959, a southern third of the Long Meadow was rated and fenced to the ballfield. The following year Skating Skating Kate Wollman is built on the fully loaded Lake Prospect. Playgrounds, ballfields and skating rinks reflect Moses' commitment to modernity and athletic recreation, coupled with only a limited appreciation of the park as a work of landscape architecture. The Wollman Rink development led to the removal of Music Island and the lake panorama made by Olmsted and Vaux. Many Moses-era projects require the destruction of Olmsted and Vaux or neoclassical designs. The Dairy Farmhouse, the Concert Grove House, the Music Island, the Old Fashioned Flower Garden, many original rural structures, Shelter Thatched, Model Yacht Club, and Greenhouse Conservatory were all lost by accidental accident or destruction at the time. Moses left the Park Commission post in May 1960.

There is no park commissioner because Moses has been able to exercise power at the same rate, so the Park Commission remains unstable as a post-departure position, with eight commissioners holding the office in the next twenty years. This instability, coupled with the fiscal crisis of the 1970s, destroyed the Parks department. Operated by 6,000 personnel in 1960, the Department of Parks comprised only 2,800 permanent workers and 1,500 temporary workers in 1980. Most Prospect Parks suffer from soil erosion and lack of care causes the landscape to deteriorate. In 1979, the park's presence dropped to two million, the lowest recorded level in park history.

Recovery and rebirth

In September 1964, the Department of Parks was within forty-eight hours to destroy the Boathouse in Lullwater. At that time the structure was underutilized; boat concessions only operate on weekends and Boathouse is visited by fewer than ten people per hour, even on the busiest summer weekends.

It was unusual in the years of Moses and the decade after his departure, to quietly remove the underutilized or excessive structures; to do so is considered an economical and wise management. In the previous decade, greenhouses on the western edge of the park were considered excessive, given the nearby Brooklyn Botanical Garden, and were destroyed without much protest. With the opening of a new zoo in 1935, The Dairy Farmhouse has been destroyed along with the rest of Menagerie, though it has preceded the original zoo. The Concert Grove House was demolished in 1949. After the garden restaurant, it was replaced with a snack bar under the Oriental Pavilion. But the destruction of Pennsylvania Station in Manhattan late 1963 has spawned a newborn historic preservation movement, and the 1905 Boathouse shares many features with the famous station. A preservation group, The Friends of Prospect Park, included in its membership, the poet Marianne Moore, builds public awareness of the loss of historical structure and threatened flora within the park. Public pressure induced Park Commissioner Newbold Morris to overturn a decision to destroy the Boathouse in December 1964. Boathouse will then host the first Audubon community in the country.

The Koch administration formed a plan in 1980 to hand over the administration of the troubled Prospect Park Zoo to the Wildlife Conservation Society. In the 1980s the Department of Parks began to enter a restoration project with Prospect Park Alliance, a local non-profit organization. In 1987, the organization obtained funding for and oversee the South Korean recovery in 1952. Through the 1990s, the Alliance oversaw the recovery of Ravine, a 150-acre (0.61 km 2 ) area containing upstream of the water system garden.

The Alliance remains active in the restoration project and takes a balanced approach between historical preservation and modern usage patterns. Though disliked by some preservationists, the Moses and Bandshell era playgrounds are being held for their popular place. The original rustic summer house has been restored or recreated on the edge of Prospect Park Lake, along the Lullwater and in Ravine. The skating rink Kate Wollman, unpopular with park preservation but enjoyed by the public in general, was replaced by two chimneys at the new LeFrak Center at Lakeside, completed in 2013 at a cost of 74 million dollars. It enjoys over 200,000 visitors annually. These plans include restoring Music Island and the original coastline, both obliterated by the original rink construction in 1960. The alliance manages a budget of $ 9.8 million in 2007, with financial support mostly from foundations, sales, rentals and fees, the company and individual donations. More than 80% of Alliance's spending supports park building projects.

Maps Prospect Park (Brooklyn)



As a work of engineering and landscape, Prospect Park was so revolutionary of its time that many people regarded the Garden as a work of art itself. Others criticize the idea of ​​building a large park in the richest part of Brooklyn than some smaller parks in different locations to serve the wider community. The idea of ​​a big park wins, and its supporters overcome their opponents in Brooklyn politics by having a park built by state-appointed commissions.

Olmsted and Vaux engineered the Garden to recreate the pastoral, beautiful, and aesthetic spaces that are expressed in hundreds of paintings. In June 1866, they created the enormous Long Meadow from a hilly highland meadow interspersed with peat swamps, they moved and planted trees, hauled topsoil and created large open fields with trees placed singly and clustered for approached the British pastoral style. a landscape that appeared in Britain in the previous century. The designers of Prospect Park have a new precedent in pastoral style in the country, especially Mount Auburn Cemetery near Boston and Green-Wood Cemetery located a few blocks away in Brooklyn. In the 1850s and 60s, pastoralism was very popular in landscape design in eastern North America. Both Central and Prospect Parks are considered by some landscape historians as one of the best examples of this type. The designers themselves feel they have a greater success in Brooklyn than in New York because the Prospect Park site presents fewer hurdles than the Central Park site, where they have to compete with two reservoirs, a relatively narrow rectangular site, and the requirement that four city ​​streets crossing the site. The design formula at Prospect Park incorporates elements of both beautiful and sublime ideals, beautifully represented by Ravine and a series of pools, waterfalls, and contaminants.

Although lofty ideals will be difficult to achieve in the soft topography of Long Island, the designers want Lookout Hill to be a vast landscape over Prospect Lake, farmland beyond, and the distant bay and sea. However, trees are allowed to obscure views. The design also creates a visual screen consisting of earth forms and surrounding trees to enhance the effects of unlimited rural landscapes by filtering out buildings, traffic views, and other aspects of the city growing around the park, but the designers do not foresee building high-rise building built in the twentieth century.

In designing the waterway, Olmsted and Vaux also take advantage of pond ponds that form glaciers and terrestrial plains that existed before. Natural flow channels winding with several ponds give the lake an area of ​​sixty acres (24 ha). They create a waterway to enter the steep cliffs, the jungle - perhaps their greatest work of landscape architecture - all with significant river flora and fauna. This is all done to give the townspeople a "sub-conscious" experience of nature within the city because Olmsted believes it is possible and necessary to provide such food for the general public in the extraordinary urban environment of his day.

Water channel

One of the most important features of Olmsted and Vaux creations is Prospect Park water channels. All the water and lake channels at Prospect Park are man-made. Originally engineered by Olmsted and Vaux into a series of beautiful tablesaux as an oasis for the urban population, by mid-20th century nature had taken its course and these artificial waterways and steep slopes around them had lost their original design character. In 1994, Prospect Park Alliance launched a $ 43-million restoration project for 25 years for waterways.

If someone follows the water from the source, the water at Prospect Park brings us to the path from the top of Fallkill Falls to Fallkill Pool through the Fallkill Bridge through Upper and Lower Ponds of the recently restored Pool, where migratory birds rest and swamps and other aquatic plants can be found. Pass through Esdale Bridge through Ambergill Pond, one enters a tree-covered area, then to smaller Ambergill Falls via Rock Arch Bridge, through a canyon area called The Ravine. The design calls for water droplets to be heard throughout the forest and this effect goes on to where various tap water can be found. The waterway then moves to where the musical performances are often given.

The water then flows under the Binnen Bridge to Lullwater, on the eastern edge where the Boathouse stands, the current Audubon Center & amp; Visitor center. Then flows under the Lullwater Bridge and Terrace to the Peninsula - a well-run area for bird sanctuary and recreation. Flows past Wollman Rink and enters a 200-acre Prospect Lake Prospect Lake that includes several islands. Prospect Lake is home to over 20 species of fish and hosts the annual fishing contest; visitors can explore the lake by a pedal boat, available at the Wollman rink, or Independence, a replica of the original electric launch that took the day explorers around the lake a century ago.

Ice skating, popularized in Central Park, is the main reason for entering Lake Prospect in the design of the park's waterway. Prospect Lake is much larger than the lake in its predecessor New York City, but very shallow, so it can develop ideal skating surfaces. In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the red balls held high on the trollies signaling that ice was at least four inches thick in Lullwater. Unfortunately, the security issue ends by skating on the lake, perhaps for good. The venue moved to the Kate Wollman arena in 1960, and moved back to the Lakeside Center around 2010.

This journey along the waterway shows the revolutionary approach of Olmsted and Vaux in the re-creation of various types of natural water formations; they not only plant trees, shrubs and other plants, but they move rocks, rocks and earth to simulate various natural environments for the fun and stimulation of nineteenth-century urban dwellers in Brooklyn.

The Ravine

With the waterway through it, an area of ​​146 acres (59 ha) from the inside of the Park in the center of the Brooklyn forest is known simply as the Ravine District. Olmsted and Vaux see Ravine as the heart of Prospect Park and the center of the mountains similar to the Adirondack Mountains. The perimeter of this area is a 100-foot (30-foot) narrow gorge. Waterway past Ravine on the way to Boathouse. Still recovering from decades of excessive use leading to soil compaction and erosion, Ravine and surrounding forests have been recovering since 1996; in 1998 the Ravine District was opened for the tour. In 2002 Ravine has been partially restored with the restored part opened to the public. In March 2012, Ravine was the scene of a fire, which was quickly extinguished.


Seven baseball fields spanned 9th-15th Streets in the park. Two are areas of the size of major leagues that serve older age groups. The other five are slightly smaller, for younger children; usually aged 8-12 years. Youngest children do not have special fields, and play on the grass.

The Prospect Park Track Club, formed in the early 1970s, hosts regular training and racing in and around the park. (The park has a 3.35 mile (5 km) loop.The Prospect Park Women's Softball League has been playing softball on a summer night at Prospect Park for 35. Circle rules football has been played every weekend from spring to fall at the end of Long Meadow , near the Grand Army Plaza since 2007. Horseback riders from Kensington Stables are often seen on the streets of the park Pedalboating is open to the public on the lake In winter, skating, cross-country skiing and sleigh rides are popular entertainment. glide is popular only in the entrance of Avenue 10, from Southwest Prospect Park.The Bandshell often hold concerts, most notably "Celebrate Brooklyn!" Performing Arts Festival, a series of summer concerts founded in 1979 that attract performers from all over the world. is produced by BRIC Arts Media Bklyn.

Olmsted and Vaux set aside an area of ​​16 hectares on the south side of Parkside Avenue for use in sports and military exercises. [span id = "Parade_Ground"] It is separated from the main part of the park with the fear that high levels of activity will damage the grass and plants and disrupt the pastoral feel of the garden. Militia no longer use the Ground Parade, but it is still one of the most active athletic fields in the city, including Prospect Park Tennis Center, four baseball diamonds, two softball fields, soccer fields, soccer fields, basketball and court volleyball, Paul Ricard PÃÆ' Â © tanque Court and three gigantic multipurpose fields. Many Major League Baseball stars start the game at the Ground Parade, including Joe Torre and Sandy Koufax. In 2004, Parade Ground underwent a $ 12.4 million restoration.


There are three New York City Subway stations nearby. East side of Prospect Park is served by eponymous stations ( B , Q , and train S ), and west side by 15th Street -Prospect Park (< span> F and G trains). The 2 and 3 trains serve the northernmost point of the park, the Grand Army Plaza, at the eponymous station of the square. Bus services are provided on the west side by bus B61, B67, and B69, southwest side by bus B68, east side by bus B41, and south side by bus B16.

Brooklyn Botanical Gardens Prospect Park Brooklyn New York Stock ...



In May 1987, an 11-year-old boy climbed into a polar bear cage after hours at the Prospect Park Zoo and was later persecuted by two bears. Police officers shot and killed the two bears. These incidents contribute to the Wildlife Conservation Society's decision to redesign the zoo to emphasize species that are more suited to their small size and to visitor interactions. In July 2010, the federal government captured 400 Canadian geese in the park and lashed them to death due to air safety issues after the incident of 1549 US Aviation in January 2009.


In addition, several murders have occurred over the last few decades. In June 1993, a 42-year-old man was shot to death against a group of teenagers trying to steal his bike; The shooter receives a maximum prison sentence of 25 years. In April 2006, a 61-year-old man was found stabbed to death in a dense forest area in a park known as the Vale of Cashmere. In July 2008, a 41-year-old homeless was found beaten to death in a forest area near a jogging track. In March 2011, a 23-year-old man, Julio Locarno, was shot and killed at Ground Parade. He was recently jailed on charges of being his accomplice in the murder of another man.

Car traffic

The perennial debate concerns the role of car traffic in the park. Supporters of traffic flow within the park stated that if the car's ability to use Prospect Park as a highway is reduced, traffic on both sides of the park will increase. Supporters of the car ban argue that the park is designed to be a haven of the kind of stress the city represents cars, and that once they use the parks sacrifice the safety of those who use the park for recreation. The 2011 regulation states that vehicle traffic is permitted to use the park just to the north (Park Circle to Grand Army Plaza) from 7-9 am. While this is an increase in car-free hours from the past, they leave the car in the park during peak hours, a great time when cyclists, runners, pedestrians, and other park users are likely to use the park. A similar debate concerns Central Park. Debates and problems involve questions about how to develop a habitable city. Cars are permanently banned from the park in January 2018.

Prospect Park: secrets of Brooklyn's beloved park


Aerial view of Brooklyn and Prospect Park. It is 585-acre city ...

See also

  • Central Park
  • Lefferts Historic House
  • Prospect Park Zoo
  • List of Famous Places in New York City in Brooklyn
  • List of Historic Historic Places of Interest in Kings County, New York

Upcoming Events | Prospect Park | My Brooklyn Calendar


Prospect Park Lake | The Official Guide to New York City

External links

  • Garden Prospect Alliance
  • AM New York: Full series including maps, history, virtual tours, movies, and photos.
  • 1870-1880 views on Prospect Park, from Robert N. Dennis's collection of stereoscopic views, the New York Public Library
  • Prospect Park by Clay Lancaster of "New York Architecture Images-Brooklyn"
  • Urban Fishing Recreation NYC Park-Prospect Park
  • Prospect Park waterway, Brooklyn, Kadinsky, Sergey Hidden Water Blog December 20, 2016

Source of the article : Wikipedia
